Plastered and Plasters

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I sigh and lean my head back against the wall as I stand with my red solo cup watching the party unfold, everyone is having a great time it seems other than me. Maybe my boyfriend Eddie was right, maybe I'm just not a party person.

"Smile, you're dimming the vibe!" My apparent friend shouts from across the room, a few people laugh as my cheeks flame, I hold in an eye roll and beeline for the kitchen, grabbing a beer bottle I down it in one go, pulling a face at the taste. A few boys look me up and down, but I shake my head and go find a quiet corner to dwell in, I glance down at my watch, seeing that Eddie is going to pick me up in two hours.

I can wait that long...right?

Two hours pass in a blur, between walking to and from the kitchen and my quiet corner, I didn't do much else, I think I might have had a few small conversations with people I don't even know, but honestly everything is a blur, including the room. Shit, I had more drinks than I thought.

Right on time Eddie walks through the front door, narrowly avoiding a couple desperately making out and climbing the stairs as well as each other. His eyes scan the room until they settle on me, he smiles and I wave exaggeratedly, if he didn't gather that I was drunk he definitely does now.

He comes up to me and kisses my cheek, frowning at the smell of my beery breath. "You alright?" He asks with a slip of worry, I nod and smile.

"Fiiiineee!" I slur, giving him a salute. He raises his eyebrows at me before wrapping his arms around me and scooping me up. "Weee!" I laugh as his hand presses over my ass, he carefully makes it out through the door as the party fades away, the silence of the night is a massive contrast.

He puts me in the passenger seat carefully and puts on the seatlbelt before heading over to his side and getting in. Eventually after dozing off a few times we make it back to mine. Luckily my parents are out on some business trip so they don't see my current state.

"Stay here, I'll get you out." Eddie tells me as he undoes his seatbelt and climbs out. "Pffft." I mumble, clicking off my seatbelt and opening the door, my foot slips and I end up falling knees first onto the pavement, gasping as my knees scrape and begin to bleed.

Eddie rushes over to me cursing under his breath, my lip wobbles but then I laugh it off, earning a confused look from Eddie. He once again scoops me up and carries me inside, unlocking the door with my key I gave him.

He takes me upstairs into my room before setting me on my bed, he disappears and comes back a few minutes later with the first aid kit and a cloth. He knees down and says "It might hurt" before cleaning me up and plastering my cuts, I can hardly feel the pain thanks to my drunkeness.

After Eddie slips off my shoes and grabs my makeup wipes, sitting next to me he gently takes it off as best he can, his tongue peeks out as he concentrates around my eyes, and I let out a giggle.

"I missed you, I had a terrible time." I mumble as I undress to an extent and slip into bed, Eddie sits against the headboard beside me, on top of the blankets.

"Yeah? I missed you to." He mumbles as I rest my head on his chest, my hand over his heart. Eddie strokes my hair as I close my heavy eyes.

"I'm never leaving your side again." I whisper.

"You're delusional and drunk, I'm sure you'll change your mind tomorrow." He chuckles, untangling a piece of my hair gently.

I sigh and shake my head, "Uh-Uh, you're stuck with me..." I manage to get out before my lips fail me and I begin to doze off.

Eddie kisses the side of my head and the last thing I hear is him murmur "I wouldn't have it any other way sweetheart."

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