Roller Skating

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Eddie parks the van in a half full parking lot, the night sky is littered with stars and to be honest I'm still not sure where we actually are.

"Is it an arcade? A gym? Golf?" I excitedly ask as he smiles beside me, he grabs my chin and kisses me before pulling away and hopping out.

Still with no answers, I jump out and look up at the giant neon sign, WheelyGoodTime. The bright orange contrasts the pink outlining, but it still looks pretty against the darkness. Eddie grabs my hand and leads me to the front doors, as soon as we step in the music and smells hit. Depeche Mode plays from loud speakers around the building as the smell of floor cleaner and plastic hits me, the carpet has some black and yellow geometric design and the walls are the same, but colorful.

I look up at Eddie as he leads me around the corner, I open my mouth to ask until I finally see what this place is.

It's a roller rink.

"Eddie..." I lead off, watching a few teens confidently skate around the rink, some even dance as they skate, "I can't roller skate. Like at all."

Eddie bites his lip as he leans down to mumble into my ear "Me either, let's go." He once again tugs me along to the counter where we get our skates. I spot a small food counter and tug Eddie's sleeve.

"Milkshakes first?" I ask as Eddie nods. We order some shakes, Eddie picks a massive chocolate one, and sit down in the corner under some more neon lights.

I sip my drink, "Why'd you pick here as our secret date?" I ask as I watch others skate around, I faintly hear some arcade machines but can't figure out where they are yet.

Eddie's hand reaches out and wipes some milkshake from my chin, "It's different to the stuff we do in Hawkins, besides I didn't think you'd pass up an opportunity to see me fall on my ass."

I grin at him as I fiddle with my straw, "You're right, maybe this can be entertaining after all."

Eddie rolls his eyes as we finish our drinks and put on our skates. As soon as I try to stand up I immediately fall backwards onto my chair, Eddie laughs but almost does the same thing, we both give each other a look before grabbing each others hands.

Somehow we slowly make it onto the rink, thankfully it's a lot less busier now  since it's later in the evening. Another Depeche Mode song comes on as Eddie lets go of my hand and skates by himself as I cling onto the side. Within minutes he's practically a natural, skating without arm flopping everywhere like I am.

"Wheeee!" He laughs skating past me, his hair blows as I flip him off, he fake pouts and rolls up to me holding out his hands.

"Come on, you can't stay near the edge forever!" He shouts over the music, the lights change colour as a disco ball begins to spin, making it harder to focus on staying upright. I shake my head, kind of nervous.

"Trust me," Eddie softly murmurs, his eyes are wide so I sigh and place both of my hands in his, he rolls backwards and drags me along, I smile as he grins at me, he's proud of me.

All of a sudden Eddie lets go of me so I'm rolling on my own, and I can actually move. "Eddie, I'm doing it!" I cheer, going to fist bump the air but I lose balance and fall forward right into Eddie, his arms wrap around me as he falls backwards on his ass, I land on top of him shocked.

We both stare at each other before bursting into laughter, I lean into him and press a kiss to his lips before getting up, holding out a hand for him even though I'm unsteady, he takes it and we roller skate back to the table, taking off the skates.

"Did you like it?" Eddie asks whilst putting his shoes back on, I shrug but he can tell I'm lying.

"Alright, no more roller skating dates, but I'm glad we tried it." He smiles, not at all mad or upset. I grab his hand and bring it to my lips, looking over his shoulder I finally see a sign for the arcade part of the building.

Eddie turns to see why I look like a raccoon that's just found a trashcan, shaking his head lovingly as he stands up and beckons me to follow.

We return our skates and go to the arcade. As soon as I spot Street Fighter I dash to it like a kid, slipping in a few quarters before Eddie can reach me. His arms wrap around me from behind as his chin rests on my shoulder, watching as I play. He cheers me on the whole time and wanders off for a few minutes, I die on the game and turn to look for him, only to see he's walking back with an bright green turtle plushie he must've won on the grabbing machines.

"This is Hughbert, he was calling my name and said he wanted to come home with you." Eddie shrugs passing me the turtle.

I hug it to my chest as Eddie wraps his arm around me, "Thank you Eddie, this has been wonderful!"

Eddie kisses the side of my head as we walk back to his van. "You're worth every second of every minute my sweet Y/N." He murmurs.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now