A Day Early

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I flip to the next page in my book as the TV continues to play the movie I put on for background noise, however my eyelids feel heavy and before I know it the book flops onto my chest and I'm asleep.

Time passes by, how much I have no idea, but one minute I'm asleep and the next I'm on the verge of waking up. In my sleep I briefly hear keys unlock the front door, and a presence enters. The familiar smell of cigarettes, leather and musk fills my nose as someone leans over me and gently grabs the TV remote from beside me, I stir and groan as the TV clicks off, then strong arms scoop me up and carry me to the bedroom.

At this point I'm waking up, rubbing my eyes and looking up to see Eddie's brown ones. He's smiling down at me as he places me on the bed gently, then moves down to take off my socks.

"You're back," I sleepy mumble with a smile, "wait, you should be back until tomorrow." I realise. Eddie went on a small tour with his band Corroded Coffin and was supposed to be gone for just under a week.

He nods as he takes off his leather jacket, stretching before perching on the edge of the bed on my side. His hand comes up as he leans over me and cups my cheek before pressing a delicate kiss to my forehead.

"Gareth got sick and couldn't do it, so we came back a day early." He explains. I try to sit up and manage to wrap my arms around him, pulling him down closer to me to hug him. Eddie chuckles and scoops arm under me.

"You're kinda strangling me." He murmurs teasingly, I realise my grip is a little tight so I let go. Eddie smirks and stands up, stretching his arms above his head before getting undressed and ready for bed.

I sigh and nuzzle under the covers into the warmth. Moments later Eddie slips into bed, I turn towards him and rest my head on his chest as his arm wraps around me, my leg hooks over his as I yawn. "I thought about you the whole time I was gone." Eddie deeply mumbles.

I smile, my hand rests on his chest and I find myself playing with his guitar pick necklace, it's often a thing I fiddle with when we lie together. "I missed you too, I couldn't sleep well without you, that's probably why I'm so tired." I laugh lightly.

Eddie rubs my back soothingly as I once again fall into a deep sleep.

When I wake up in the morning Eddie and I are tangled together as usual, and I'm glad he's finally back with me. I feel well rested and can't resist watching Eddie sleep, the way his mouth parts as he breathes is secretly adorable, and I smile at his light snores.

I've missed him so much in so many different ways. As if he senses I'm awake, he stirs a little before opening his eyes, immediately smirking as he rubs them with the back of his hand. "It's usually me staring at you sweetheart." He mumbles in his morning voice.

I shrug as my hand moves lower down, straight away he raises his eyebrows but makes no move to stop me. "I couldn't resist, you're just so cute." I laugh, toying with the string of his pyjama pants.

Eddie's breath quickens as I hitch my leg up higher, rolling onto him a little more. "Cute? I really should show you how cute I can be sweetheart." Eddie murmurs, switching things up as he somehow maneuvers us so he's on top of me.

I gasp as he kisses my neck gently, my legs wrap around him as I lift my hips to meet his. He lets out a chuckle as he whispers into my ear "Let me show you how much I missed you."

And he does.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now