Tantrums and Trimmings

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I can't help but to huff a laugh as Eddie uses his hand to brush his hair back for the fifth time this class. He sits beside me, sighing as he stares down at the textbook we're supposed to be reading.

He shoots me a disapproving look, so I bite my lip and say nothing.

By time lunch finally arrives, Eddie's still pissed off about his long wavy hair, I sit next to him at the lunch table, closely observing as I eat my sandwich. He flips it over his shoulder when he tries to eat, plucks it away from his mouth as he takes a bite, sighs as his bags fall over his eyes. Eventually he gives up and throws his lunch down, letting out an annoyed groan.

"You know, you should get a haircut if it's bothering you that much." Gareth says from Eddie's left. I watch as Eddie shakes his head, putting on a smile.

"It'll ruin the whole look man, I've got a reputation to uphold." Eddie grins, but I can tell there's a deeper rooted issue here.

"I can do it for you," I pipe up, Eddie's head swivels to face me, he lifts an eyebrow in question, so I add "my mom's a hairdresser, I've picked up a few things from her."

Eddie ponders for a second, I look at him expectantly, thinking maybe he'll brush me off. However Eddie nods, once again shaking his hair away from his face like a dog.

"Alright, just swing by whenever after school if you insist." He mutters, frowning as if he's already dreading the experience.

I nod and continue eating my lunch, watching the rest of Hellfire talk about some upcoming movies out at the theatre.

After school I pack my bag and make up an excuse about going to see a friend, technically I'm not lying, my parents would flip if they knew I was hanging out with Munson and the 'demonic group" of outcasts.

I head to Eddie's trailer, smiling kindly at him as he invites me in. Eddie offers me a drink but I decline, wanting to get on with the haircut. I grab a chair and put it in the kitchen so I can clean up easier.

Eddie takes a deep breath and shrugs off his jacket until he's left in his Hellfire tee. I gesture to the chair theatrically but Eddie doesn't react how I expect, he gulps and slides into the seat as if it's death row.

"It's alright, I mostly know what I'm doing." I reassure Eddie as I place my hand on his shoulder, but he shakes his head.

"It's not that, I know you're capable." Eddie mumbles, looking down and toying with his rings anxiously.

I raise my eyebrows as I set out a hairbrush, scissors and water sprayer.

Eddie looks up at me with wide brown eyes, his knee bounces and I crouch down next to him, placing my hand on his knee to stop him. "What's wrong?" I softly ask, knitting my brows together in concern.

"My mom used to cut my hair, she was the last one to do it, well apart from the odd cut over my eyes I'd do." Eddie explains openly. I nod now understanding.

"I'm sorry, I can tell you miss her " I murmur, standing up. Either way, Eddie still needs a haircut. "Thank you for trusting me to do this, it means a lot." I add.

Eddie closes his eyes as I begin to carefully brush his curly hair, it doubles in size so I spray some water on it to tame it a little. A small smile plays on Eddie's lips with his eyes still closed, and my heart skips a beat as his gentler side of him.

Once brushed, I grab the scissors and begin to cut like I've seen my mom do countless times. Careful to be precise and equal with each section.

Lastly I kneel in front of Eddie, combing his bangs before snipping some off, they're well overdue for a trim. I smile as I lean back, his hair looks so much better and he once again looks like a fresh Eddie rather then a scruffy one.

"All done." I whisper, Eddie opens his eyes and stares at me with wonder. I reach out and brush his bangs away from his eyes so I can see him better, and Eddie catches my wirst gently.

"How much do I owe you?" He asks, tilting his head. I shake my head and wave it off.

"Consider it a friend discount." I grin as Eddie's thumb gently strokes the inside of my wrist. My heart races as he watches me, his eyes dart to my lips as I lean forward, but catch myself and stand up.

I clear my throat, putting my things away before spinning around, coming chest to chest with Eddie, who looks down at me with an odd expression.

I stare up at him, my lips part as he reaches out and cups my chin, lifting my gaze up. "Would you be mad if I kissed you?" He deeply murmurs.

Words leave me, so I shake my head, closing my eyes as Eddie leans down and gently kisses me. It's soft and unsure, but soon turns to a more meaningful kiss. His hand squeezes my chin as I grab the kitchen counter behind me to support my trembling legs.

I'm kissing Eddie Munson.
And I like it.

Eddie pulls away, his nose brushes mine as we watch each others reaction. His lips quirk into a smirk as I breathlessly huff a laugh.

Before I know it Eddie's wrapping his arms around my middle and kissing me again, and this time I don't hold back...

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