The Only Girl I Need

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Eddie's hand rests on my thigh as we drive to Jeff's house, or more specifically his garage. Every Wednesday Corroded Coffin meet up to practice their set list and compose new music, and since I'm Eddie's plus one and girlfriend, I get a front row seat to the behind the scenes stuff.

"I still can't believe you're new guitarist is a girl." I huff, okay so maybe I'm overreacting, but from what I've heard the new girl is cute, pretty and possibly a threat to me. I trust Eddie with my's the girl I don't trust, if she even lays a finger on Eddie...

"Calm down, she's just here for the band. Nothing else." Eddie chuckles, briefly giving me a smile as he squeezes my leg. I hate that he knows me so well.

"Yeah," I scoff looking out of the window as the garage comes into view, "but I mean, have you seen you recently?"

Eddie smirks as he parks up, turning the van off. Before I can get out Eddie's hand reaches out and grabs the back of my neck, quickly he plants a kiss on my lips, like always it turns passionate and we pull away with heavy breaths.

"Alright, let's go meet this guitarist." I mumble, hopping out and linking my arm with Eddie's. As we approach the garage I can already hear the band in full swing, they always sound good but when I focus on the extra guitar they sound great.

As soon as we enter my heart drops.
Okay, this girl isn't just cute, she's gorgeous. She's got the body of a model and her outfit is way out of my expertise.

"Long time no see stranger!" She laughs, grabbing Eddie's arm. I grit my teeth and take a breath, pulling Eddie closer to me and away from her.

"Hi, you must be the new band member." I smile politely as I hold out my hand. The girl's manicured eyebrows knit together as she hesitantly shakes my hand.

"Oh, yeah. You're Eddie's...girlfriend?" She drawls just nice enough, but I can tell there's some deep rooted jealousy.

Good, because he's mine.

"Yeah, three months strong." I say as Eddie pulls away from me and reaches for his spare guitar he keeps here.

The girl looks me up and down as she adjusts the guitar strapped around her shoulders. "Ah, well three months isn't too long, there's still time for him to change his mind."

I open my mouth in shock and go to reply, but Eddie cuts in from across the room and tells the band to play "Wild Child" by WASP.

I sit on the worn couch, tucking my legs under me as I watch the band practice. As always they're amazing, and I hate to admit that the new girl has some serious skills.

My jaw tenses as I notice her getting closer and closer to Eddie, she'll often look at him with a grin and stick her tongue out playfully. I tolerate it for so long until I finally can't take it anymore.

"Can you quit eye fucking my boyfriend!" I snap when the band takes a break. I'm not usually one for conflict, but I'm also not one for letting other girls try and have their way with my man.

The band all looks at me, including Eddie who chokes on his water. Jeff gulps as I stand up, crossing my arms over my chest.

The girl purses her lips and steps towards me. "I'm not doing anything wrong, I can't help it if you're too possessive over him." She snarkily says, knowing exactly where I'm coming from. 

My eyes widen as I fake a laugh, "You've been watching him like a hawk since we got here, don't even get me started on the way you keep touching him."

The girl scoffs and flips her hair over her shoulder like some high school drama queen. "Well he's never stopped me before." She plainly says, and I feel my cheeks flush from anger.

"You're done here." I grit out, my hands clench into fists as she stands her ground. Eddie suddenly gets between us as the rest of the band stay back, watching the interation uneasily.

"I think you need to go." Eddie says, looking into my eyes. I can't breathe, can't think as his words shoot through me.

But then he turns around as his hand finds mine. With his back to me he nods his head towards the door, implying the girl should leave.

"Are you serious? You're kicking me out because your girlfriend's a bitch?" She practically shrieks.

I go to launch towards her but Eddie blocks me, he nods and the girl frowns, she grabs her bag and leaves without another word.

Once she's gone the tense atmosphere disappears and the band talks amongst themselves. "Hey," Eddie softly mumbles, his finger tilts my chin up as if he senses my guilt, "I'm sorry, that was out of line."

"Has she really been touching you?" I whisper, looking into Eddie's eyes for the truth. Eddie shakes his head and leans down.

"I swear on my life, we've never gone further than a high five." Eddie tells me with determination. I believe him, his expression is honest and I trust him.

"Okay," I sigh, letting my shoulders relax, "I'm sorry I snapped. Maybe I am a bitch."

Eddie huffs a laugh as he wraps an arm around my middle, bringing me to his chest. He places a kiss on my forehead before looking down at me. "You're not, she was out of line, I saw the way she looked at you when we came in and knew she wouldn't be here for long, I'm just a terrible judge of character."

I smile up at Eddie, wrapping my arms around him. "You're not, I guess it's just a girl thing? I did tell you that all the girls secretly like you." I laugh.

Eddie blushes slightly as he rolls his eyes. "Yeah, well I've got you, you're the only girl I need."

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now