Rival Dealers

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TW: This imagine features drug dealing.

I sigh as I organise the drugs into the packets, weighing out the usual amounts before putting them in the colour coded baggies. Dio plays through my headphones as I cross and uncross my legs nervously, I never wanted to deal drugs, but since my mom lost her job and my dad walked out I've had no choice, we're barely getting by.

I know of another dealer in school, Eddie Munson, but I've never spoken to him. He crosses my mind as I pack my schoolbag for tomorrow, I wonder if he sits like this sorting out the goods, or if he has a friend to help him. When I'm finally done I look to see it's coming up to four in the morning, I slip off the headphones and climb into bed, falling asleep right away.


"Same time next week?" I ask the student as I slip her the packet, she nods and passes me a few notes, her eyes never meet mine and I like it that way, I hate how pitiful I must seem, then again at least I get an inside scoop as to who is deceiving the school with the perfect student attitude, when in reality they're not actually.

The girl turns around as I lean my back against the wall, I close my eyes and take a deep breath, even after so many deals it's still awkward and feels wrong. "You should stop dealing." A slightly familiar voice says from the corner of the alleyway. My eyes shoot open as I stand straight, shit.

"Why? Tough competition?" I snarkily say as I look for a way to get past Eddie, his hands are in his jacket pockets as he watches me with curiosity. He glances between the gymnasium and the cafeteria before stepping into the alley.

"No, it's not a good world for you to step into." He mumbles, sounding genuine. From his expression it seems like he isn't a fan of dealing aswell, but someone's gotta do it and I need the money.

"Yeah? Well the world is cruel and unfair, so it really doesn't matter where I stick my feet." I retort, picking up my bag and slinging it over my shoulder. Eddie frowns as I walk past him, little does he know I'm terrified of being alone with him.

Since it's Friday night, I'm due for a resupply. I drive to my main dealer, Rick, who owns a isolated cabin off of Coal Mill Road. It's pitch-black and eerie, but I force myself to park just off the road in case of any trouble, plus I'd hate for Rick to find out that none of the money I get is actually for me, hence why I'm driving my mom's car.

When I finally make it off the muddy path and see the cabin, I squint against the red and blue lights. Fuck, the police.

A flashlight shines my way and I step back, right into something hard. Hands grab around my middle and smother my mouth, dragging me behind a thick tree. I pant and wriggle but the figure finally shushes me. "It's me, Eddie, I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm trying to help you."

I nod as I breathe heavy, panic consumes me but I push it down for now. He slowly removes his hand from my mouth so I stomp on his foot, earning a series of curses to come out of his mouth. I frown as he glares at me through the moonlight.

"So you're stalking me now?" I whisper crouching down as Eddie follows.

He shakes his head as I begin to lose balance, however Eddie grabs my middle and doesn't let go. I let it slide for now since his hands are warm. "I came to pick up some supply until I found out Rick got busted, I'm guessing you're the same?"

I nod, suddenly the panic overtakes me. Tears fill my eyes as my shoulders slump, and I end up on my ass in the middle of the woods. "Shit, shit, shit." I whisper to myself, how am I going to get money fast now? I could quit school and get a job, but that still wouldn't be enough to even survive on.

"Hey," Eddie softly murmurs, resting a hand on my leg comfortingly, "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Other than I'm fucked? I relied on this money, my mom did too. We're never gonna survive without it, if I can't deal, then I can support her, if I can't support her then..." I lead off with a stifled sob.

Eddie's arms wrap around me, and though I've only known him for a day, I embrace him back and cry on his shoulder. "I won't let you get that bad, I'll give you half of my stash, I always keep some drugs back incase of emergencies if Rick's unavailable, if you take half you can deal and still bring home some cash."

I look up at Eddie but he's staring at the ground, as if contemplating something. After a second he shakes his head and looks down on me again, "Forget that, I'll just give you the money."

My eyes widen as I argue, "No way, I can't take that, I'm not doing it."

Eddie purses his lips, "Alright how about this, you can pay me back by tutoring me. I know you've got good grades except the dealings making you slip, if you help me pass this year then we'll call it even, graduating school means more to me than drug money, and besides I get extra cash from gigs."

I think it over, not that I have much choice. "Okay, if you're sure."

Eddie grins and holds out a ringed hand, I shake it as he helps me up. All of a sudden a flashlight shines our way, Eddie and I look at each other for a second before he drags me through the woods, both of us laughing from fear hand in hand.

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