Nice Knowing You

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As soon as my eyes open I feel Eddie's breath tickle the back of my neck. I stay still for a moment, basking in the momentary bliss of his skin against mine, his light snores fill the room and I hate that I have to do this.

I carefully slide out from under his arm draped over my waist, wincing as he rolls over and mumbles something. I quickly get dressed and walk over to his desk, finding a piece of paper I write my final note in the darkness.

It's been so nice knowing you and I've loved every second I've spent with you, but I'm an outsider in this town and I don't know what else to do.
Love always

Tears fill my eyes when I'm done, but I can't back out now. I grab my bag and tip toe to the front door, taking a deep breath before opening it, however before I can step through Eddie's hand shuts the door harshly. I turn to look up at him, his eyes blaze down at me as his hand grips the crumpled note.

"Nice knowing me, huh?" He sarcastically says as he steps closer to me, I step back until he has me against the wall, completely at his mercy.

He fists the note into a ball and throws it over his shoulder, his hand then presses against the wall near my head as his body meets mine chest to chest, I'm flustered and breathless.

"Loved every second?" He continues as his other hand grabs my chin with just enough force, he raises my head so I'm forced to look into those usually warm brown eyes, but right now they look like a predator who's found his prey.

"I thought we were both outsiders sweetheart, I thought together we didn't need anyone else?" He murmurs softly, his deep voice sends shivers down my spine, the good kind.

I open my mouth to speak, my thoughts consumed of a mix of fear and lust, not a word comes out, only a small weak sound. Eddie shakes his head as his thumb brushes my lips, tracing the outline.

"I'll tell you what else you could do; you could stay with me and we'll figure this shit out together, hell you could've let me know and we both can run like hell outta here." Eddie says slowly to get the point across.

"I didn't want to bother you." I whisper shakily, Eddie freezes as he leans his face to mine, his nose brushes mine as he mumbles "Haven't you learnt by now,  you're my anchor to this shithole town, I'd have left ages ago if it wasn't for you, I wanna be wherever you are."

I can't take anymore of this, so I press my lips to his gently, but Eddie has other plans. His hand grips my chin tighter as his other hand grabs the back of my thigh, bringing my leg up to hook around his waist.

Eddie groans as he deepens the kiss, his hips press into mine and I swear I see stars. "If you wanna leave, I'll go pack the bags, if not we can stay and I promise we'll make things better for us." He says as he finally pulls away panting.

I catch my breath as Eddie lets me down, straightening my clothes I think for a second. "Let's stay, but as soon as we're ready to leave, we're going."

Eddie's lips tilt up as he bends down and picks me up, slinging me over his shoulder. I laugh and grip his back as he walks back to his bed. "Deal. But for now I'm taking my girlfriend to my bed where we can spend the rest of the night fuc-"

"Eddie!" I exclaim before he can finish. He throws me on the bed and watches me with admiration for a second before climbing on top of me and laying on my chest.

"Fine, I'll just pin you down so you can't escape again." He huffs, I smile and stroke his hair closing my eyes feeling so many mixed emotions.

"That's okay, I didn't really want to leave you anyway." I say honestly as my hands begin to play with his curly hair.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now