'Til The World Stops Turning

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AN: This one's sad and doesn't have a happy ending...

I bite the nail of my thumb as Dustin, Eddie and I wait for our signal. Dustin toys with the string of his spear as Eddie leans his head against my shoulder, I wonder if he can feel my entire body trembling from fear of what could happen to us if this fails.

"Don't worry, it'll all be alright. All we've gotta do is lure those things out and then turn tail and run if things get too heated." Eddie softly says, standing up straight as he grabs both of my hands in his.

I nod, but I'm still unsure. "What if something goes wrong? What if one of us gets hurt, or we get split up-" I break off with a shuddery breath. Eddie leans his forehead to mine, his hand reaches up and cups my face as he gives me a reassuring smile.

"Take a deep breath sweetheart. Good girl," Eddie narrows his eyes playfully, "We're going to be fine, besides me and you? We're together 'til the world stops turning."

I can't help but smile as Eddie nudges his nose against mine, then leans in for a kiss. Dustin whistles playfully and I briefly see Eddie flip him off but pull away, jogging over to Dustin to put him in a headlock and ruffle his hair under his hood.

I laugh at them both, my heart full of love, and it's at that moment that I realise if anything happens, I'll do whatever it takes to make sure my boys are okay.

Soon enough we're on the roof of the trailer, Eddie's playing Master of Puppets with his usual bravado, his fingers rapidly going for it as Dustin and I keep watch for the bats. Eddie smiles at me the whole time, grinning as he starts the epic guitar solo, I roll my eyes having heard it many times as Eddie practiced in his bedroom, but I still blow him a quick kiss anyway.

The bats come and Eddie drops his guitar as one swoops for my head, his guitar breaks immediately but he's too focused on grabbing me and Dustin, pulling us into the trailer as the bats attack. We all look to each other, terrified but gleeful after the most insane distraction ever.

Dustin and Eddie jump up and down, shouting and laughing as I giggle to myself, Eddie turns and grabs me by my middle, he dips me down and kisses my neck as I swat him away and try to stand up again.

"There's a kid here Romeo." I mumble into Eddie's ear playfully, but Eddie shrugs a shoulder up and settles for kissing my cheek. Dustin rolls his eyes just as the ceiling begins to thump.

"They can't get through, can they?" Dustin worriedly asks.

"Shit." I call out, running to Eddie's room just as a bat flies through the vent and screeches, Eddie grabs his shield and slams it against the ceiling, it stays thanks to the nails as blood drips down.

"There's more." I whisper, Dustin and Eddie share a concerned look before sprinting to the rope, ready to get to safety.

Eddie helps Dustin up first, then hauls me up as I reach for the rope, but somehow I can tell somethings wrong. Eddie's eyes seem desperate, but I got a feeling it's not for escaping.

"Don't!" I shout, Dustin calls my name from back in Hawkins but I ignore him. Eddie gives me a pleading look as more of the vents crack.

"Please Y/N, you've gotta get out of here. I've gotta buy the others more time." Eddie shouts back, his eyes filling with tears as a sob escapes me. I jump down the rope and push Eddie away from me.

"You said it yourself, we're together to the end." I say with as much confidence as I can muster, raising my head in defiance.

I think at this moment Eddie and I both know we're not escaping this place, but as long as we're together it'll be okay. I grab Eddie's tee and reach onto my toes to press the most loving but eager kiss I can to his lips, his arms wrap around me as he squeezes me, we physically can't be closer.

"There's no words I can ever say that would be enough to describe just how much I love you sweetheart, you're my heart and soul, without you I'd be empty." Eddie murmurs between my lips, our tears mix together before the bats finally break in.

I grab his hand and we sprint through the door, the bats circle in the air above us as we run and run, hand in hand, our heartbeats pounding together as Eddie smiles at me, he's already accepted the inevitable. All of a sudden the first swarm of bats fly towards us. Eddie grabs Dustin's shield I didn't even know he picked up and stands in front of me, blocking the bats as they hit the metal.

He shouts as I wrap my arms around his middle, burying my face into his shoulders as he tries to hold the shield upright. A few bats come from behind, knocking me over as Eddie turns to help me, but then a group of bats aim for him.

From then it's a blur of pain and blood, agony and screaming from both Eddie and I. We lie on the ground once the bats drop. We're dying, my neck bleeds heavily and everything becomes fuzzy as my limbs grow heavy.

"Eddie?" I whisper staring up at the sky, unable to move my head. Tears fall down my face and I hear shuffling, then Eddie comes into view, covered in blood and grunting. He carefully lies beside me, grabbing my hand as we lie side by side, hands the only thing keeping us together now our future has been ripped from us.

"I always dreamed I'd be by your side when I die, but I thought we'd be old and surrounded by our kids and grandkids." Eddie coughs, squeezing my hand as I let out a small laugh.

"You'd be a cute grandpa," I whimper at a stab of pain from my stomach, "but I'd like to have seen it."

"You will, in the next life." Eddie mumbles.

"Yeah? I guess I'll see you soon." I whisper as my vision begins to darken, I know this is the end now.

"See you soon sweetheart." Is the last thing I hear as I die, and a few moments later Eddie Munson's heart stops too.

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