Red Dress And Alone

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"Be careful, but have fun honey!" My mother shouts as I wave and shut the door, exhaling a long sigh after the massive interrogation about tonight's prom.

I smooth out my red dress before heading to the benches in the middle of the trailer park, taking a seat as I wait for my date to come pick me up.

"You look...different." Eddie calls from behind me, he's walking towards me with a cigarette dangling from his fingers. I smile and stand up, looking down at my dress for the millionth time.

"Yeah I know, for some reason I kind of like it?" I reply, tucking my hair behind my ear, "Are you sure you won't come to the prom? It'll be fun."

Eddie shakes his head and takes a drag. "No way! A gym full of over perfumed girls and boys who are eager to take home said girls, no thanks, I'll stick to staying home."

Disappointment washes through me, but I quickly hide it and shrug, "Suit yourself, I'll bring back a cupcake or something." I grin. Eddie smiles at me, opening his mouth to say something, but a fancy car pulls up beside us and my date steps out.

"Ready to go?" He asks, looking suspiciously between Eddie and I. I nod and walk to the passenger side, watching as the two boys stare at each other, as if they're ready to draw blood.

"Him?" Eddie says to me from across the car. I frown and get in, ignoring the way he looked at me, as if I'd betrayed him.

"See you around, freak." My date says. I already feel like shit and the night hasn't even begun yet...

When we finally arrive, my date insists on getting our photo took. His hand wraps around my waist and pulls me close to him, before it begins to slide lower. I pull away, smiling and brushing it off as we enter the gym. The gym is decorated with ribbons and balloons, a disco ball shines brightly and music blasts from the speakers. At first, the prom goes well. My date keeps introducing me to his friends, who snigger at me, and then my date tries to pull me to the dance floor.

We have one dance, but I push him away when he tries to kiss me. After that, he completely abandons me for another girl, I wish I was shocked.

The night goes on, and I find myself sitting in the corner, an outcast. I watch as girls laugh together, as people dance and have fun. I no longer want to be here, what was supposed to be a great and iconic night has now turned into a miserable time.

I'm about to cry until I hear people murmur, I look around, double taking when I spot Eddie step through the doors. He's dressed the same as usual, black ripped jeans and a tee, with his denim vest and leather jacket. His eyes roam around the room, until they finally meet mine.

I use my thumb to wipe the corners of my eyes, quickly getting rid of the tears that formed there. "What are you doing here?" I ask, standing up as Eddie's eyebrows knit together.

"I had a bad feeling about that asshole, seems like I was right. Where is he?" Eddie asks, turning around and clenching his first.

I huff a laugh and grab his arm, "Just leave it, it was partly my fault anyway, he tried to kiss me so I told him where to go."

Eddie's fist tightens. Alright, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that.

"Can you dance with me?" I ask wanting to change the subject. Eddie looks at me as if to say "Really?" but then he sighs nodding.

I smile as we walk to the edge of the dance floor, without hesitation Eddie holds my hand up as his other grabs my waist. Unlike earlier with the other guy, I'm comfortable with Eddie touching me. We sway to the music, and I see Eddie's lips tilt into a smile.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" I tease. Eddie scoffs but his smile grows.

"Of course, I'm dancing with a beautiful girl, why wouldn't I be happy?"

I roll my eyes and laugh, but Eddie stops and cups my cheek. "I'm serious, I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. You're everything I've ever wanted and more."

My breath catches as Eddie's brown eyes meet mine in a magnetic gaze. I lick my lips moments before Eddie slowly moves towards me, he stops just inches away from my face. "Stop me now if you're not okay with this." He mumbles. I quieten him by meeting my lips to his, closing the distance between us.

His arm tightens around my waist, I clench his tee in my hands, pulling him closer just as the music changes to a more upbeat song. "Let's go rent a movie and eat popcorn." I murmur as we pull away.

Eddie looks at me in confusion. "What about your prom experience?" He asks.

I shrug, "Eh, it's too fancy, I'd rather spend the night being myself than pretending to be someone I'm not, and this is definitely not my kind of scene."

Eddie smiles, linking his fingers with mine as we beeline around the students. We happen to pass my date, who has a girl sitting on his lap. I smile at him whilst raising my middle finger, laughing at his shocked expression.

Eddie chuckles and tugs me forward, "Atta girl."

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