Breaktime Bullies

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AN: This imagine features bullying, please take caution if needed♡

I walk down the corridor in a rush hoping to avoid the one person I never want to see again. Just the thought made my stomach churn and I asked to go to the bathroom five minutes before break. I dashed out of the classroom with my bag, letting the teacher assume whatever she likes as I tried to go and find somewhere safe to spend my time.

The universe has other plans though, because a familiar face comes around the corner, pausing mid step as he looks at me. My bully's face splits into a grin as if he's just walked into a great situation, sadly this means my efforts went to waste and I'm going to suffer.


I tense up, my palms sweat as I grip my bag harder, already my instincts are screaming at me to run away, but for once I'm sick of running. Tired of being scared and humiliated by this asshole.

"Don't." I weakly say as he prowls towards me in the empty corridor, there's no classrooms in this part of the school, only empty janitors closets and storage rooms.

"Don't what? You know I can do whatever I want, who's gonna stop me?" He proudly says as I back away a step, then force myself to stand still even though my legs are shaking.

"You're not running, I guess you're finally learning. Now, give me the money and I'll leave you alone this one time." He smirks. I drop my eyes the floor and stay silent.

A sudden push forces my back to hit the wall, my breath is knocked out of me from the impact but I blink away the tears. "No." I whisper, gritting my teeth.

He scoffs and slams a hand to the wall right beside my head. "What did you just say?"

I take a deep breath, lifting my eyes to meet his angry one's. "It's my money and I'm hungry, you can't keep doing this."

He stares at me for a second and for a moment I think that I've finally conquered my bully, that I've finally stood up for myself after weeks of torture and embarrassment.

Until the harsh slap hits my face that sends me sprawling across the floor. I lay still in shock as my bully reaches into my jacket pocket and pulls out the notes, there isn't even that many of them. Tears fill my eyes and I choke back a sob, rushing to crawl away as my bully laughs at me. I feel sick and need to get away, so as quickly as I can I get up and run away down the corridor just as the bell rings.

I look back at my bully who is grinning as students flock the halls ready for socialising. I bump into someone and look up to see a familiar set of kind brown eyes. Eddie's eyebrows knit together but I brush past him before he can ask.

I head to the safest place I know. The library. I walk past all the shelves until I reach the back where nobody comes, and I slump against the wall as tears stream down my face like raindrops.

Moments later I hear footsteps and Eddie rounds the corner looking deeply concerned. He crouches down next to me so I turn my face away, sniffling.

His arms wrap around me tightly and I can't hold it in. I lean into his warmth and cry and cry until I'm dry of tears. His arms hold me together as I shatter, his hands soothingly rub my back as he murmurs "It's okay, I'm here now."

I eventually slump back, relaxing a little after my breakdown, and that's when Eddie sees the mark on my face. His eyes narrow and darken, anger flashes across his expression. "Who did this to you?" He asks harshly in a protective way. I shake my head refusing to answer.

His hand gently cups my cheek, his thumb rubs my cheekbone as his eyes soften. "Please tell me." He whispers.

I tell him after a few moments, and he clenches his jaw, cursing under his breath as the lets out a shaky exhale. "Please don't do anything!" I plead desperately as I cling onto his sleeve.

He nods, then takes the spot beside me as I finally tell him everything...

Eddie walks me to my last class once the bell rings, making sure I'm sat down and safe before leaving to head to his own. The class goes smoothly since it's one of my favourites, but I notice a lot of people go to the bathroom and talk to each other excitedly when they come back, as if they've heard some gossip.

After school my only friend meets me outside in the car park. "Did you hear about the fight that happened just before last class?" She chatters.

I raise my eyebrows and shake my head. "Yeah, apparently (bully's name) got beat up really bad by that Eddie Munson, I guess something happened between them." She continues.

For a second my heart drops, but then for some reason I feel a little relieved, as if the problem has been dealt with, and I might actually be okay from now on. My lips twitch as she jumps onto another topic and talks rapidly.

As if on que Eddie walks out of the school doors followed by a police officer. I frown and give Eddie a look as if to ask if everything is okay. He gives me a thumbs up as the police officer says something to him and leaves.

"Why do you think he did it?" My friend asks as she eyes up Eddie.

"I think he was saving someone." I mumble, watching Eddie as he watches me fondly.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now