The Right Body

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I huff and grab Eddie's arm as he points at a music store, shaking my head I pull him away, shopping at the mall with Eddie is like taking a kid to the store, he picks up everything and asks too many questions.

"Wanna wait outside?" I ask, eyeing up the lingerie store. Eddie's eyebrows raise as he looks between the window and me, then he shakes his head and opens the door for me whilst taking the bags of shopping from my hands.

"Suit yourself, be good though." I mumble, with a small smile I step inside, the strong smell of musky women's perfume hits me, and I quickly make my way to the bra section, I'm in need for some new ones.

Eddie follows me, I notice his eyes take in the racks of sexy nightwear. Blushing I stop in front of the bras, my eyes scan them all as I try to find some I like.

"You've gotta get this." Eddie murmurs behind me, I pluck a simple black bra out before turning around to look at what he's found.

It's a lacy plum purple...thing, it'll barely cover me and I can't believe Eddie's holding it up with no embarrassment. I frown and snatch it off of him, putting it back on the rack. "No way, I don't have the right body for something like that."

Eddie scoffs and grabs my chin, titling my face up to his he deeply murmurs "You're fucking perfect, I love every inch of you, curves and all."

I pull a face and Eddie gives me a pointed look, so I mumble an "Okay" as I turn back to the bras.

"I'm gonna go wait outside." Eddie says, so I nod at him without looking, continuing my search.

Some short time later I finish paying and grab my bag, finding Eddie sat down at a water fountain, two ice cream cones in hand as the bags of shopping sit between his feet.

I walk over to him, taking the place next to him as he passes me my favourite ice cream. "I figured this would save you from stealing mine." Eddie smiles. I reach out and take it, but quickly press a kiss to his cheek.

"Thank you, you know me so well." I say around a mouthful of ice cream.

We sit side by side, shoulders touching as we eat our ice cream. I look around, watching people shop and hang out, my eyes happen to check on the bags when I notice one extra.

Eddie's eyes find mine as I finish my last bite. "You didn't, did you?" I sigh, quirking up a brow as Eddie sucks on a finger. He shrugs smirking.

I shake my head, I know I should be grateful but I'm not confident enough to feel good in something sexy.

"It's just a few things," Eddie begins, but I swivel to stare at him.

"A few?!" I exclaim.

"I'm the only one who's gonna see them on you, I know you'll look good in them even if you think otherwise, plus it's more like a present to myself, I can't wait to fuc-" Eddie begins, but I smother his words with my hand, smiling politely at a woman walking past with a stroller.

"We'll see..." I mumble, then add "Let me see that purple one again."

Eddie grins, leaning down to open the bag, I peek in and feel the silk fabric, okay admittedly it's pretty and maybe I kind of like it.

"Trust me baby, you'll look like a fucking goddess in these." Eddie whispers in my ear as we stand up ready to leave.

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