Annoyingly Impressive PT 1

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I sigh as we turn into our new home, Hawkins trailer park. Since my dad lost his job and fucked our family up we've been forced to move across the country to here, where my mom hopes things will refresh.

As if, none of us are going to be happy here. My dad parks in front of a dingy trailer and grins at me encouragingly, but my mom is less happy, she forces a smile and climbs out of the car. I debate on sitting here forever, surely it's better than admitting defeat and stepping foot into my new home.

With a deep breath I get out of the car, and immediately step into a plume of cigarette smoke. I'm not used to it so I cough and wave my hand about, squinting as I come face to face with a dude around the same age as me, his long brown hair curls over his leather jacket and I can't help but be caught in the brownest eyes I've ever seen. "Hey neighbour." The man smiles, his eyes scan me up and down as I cross my arms, he steps back to give me some room and inhales another drag, I scoff and turn my back to him as he begins to walk away, stopping next to the trailer opposite ours. Great.

I sigh for the millionth time as my parents begin to lug suitcases and boxes into our trailer, all sharpied with cute labels like 'family photos' or 'mom's clothes'. I head to the trunk and grab my box of beloved vinyls, smiling as my fingers run over the slipcases. I grab the heavy box and waddle towards the trailer, noticing in the corner of my eye the guy from earlier staring at me.

A wave of random anger courses through me, "What the hell are you staring at?" I snap, the guy's eyes widen a little before he flicks his cigarette away and shrugs up a shoulder.

"Nothing special." He mumbles. I maneuver a hand out to flip him off but my box slips and my vinyls almost fall out. I curse as the guy laughs, then he heads inside his trailer and slams the door. God, what an asshole.

I blush at my childishness and decide to focus on the bigger problem at hand. I grit my teeth together as I step into my new home, assessing the antique style furniture, the musty smell and the room to the right which must be mine. I head to it, then sigh as I see the absolute downgrade I've been handed, I set the box on the bed and look around, it's empty and there's a single window...facing another window which must be the dudes, I can vaguely make out band posters and some sign that says 'Corroded Coffin'.

I roll my eyes and spend the next few hours unpacking, getting more and more agitated and tired as I try and make this room my own. I put up my own band posters and organise my books on the shelf, sort my clothes out and lay out my plushies on the bed. I step back and smile, it looks better than it did.

"How lovely sweetie!" My mom calls out, coming behind me and kissing my head as if I'm a child. "Your dad and I are heading out for a celebration dinner, want to come?"

I shake my head, I can't stand watching my parents pretend to love each other. Or maybe I can't stand pretending I'm okay with all of this, but it's not like I have a choice.


I nod and close my door in answer, my mom huffs a sigh and I hear my parents leave, I'm finally alone. I spin around and grab my absolute prized possession in my life, my electric guitar, and pull her out of the case.

The body is covered with various stickers of things I like, all collected over the years since I got it when I was younger. Through all the shit in my life, I can honestly say music has helped me heal and become my crutch at times like these.

I plug in the amp on my desk and strum, the first notes feeling almost euphoric as I close my eyes and grin. Immediately after I begin playing mindlessly, at first I begin with songs I know, then I finally delve into some of the music I've written myself, nodding my head in time with the music.

As I finish my song my eyes pop open at the sound of another guitar, I squint and turn around, heading to the window and hear Metallica come from the window opposite mine. I hate to admit that it's impressive, but that doesn't stop the growl of frustration that climbs up my throat. Great, now I can't even play my guitar in peace.

Frowning I begin to play again, this time more aggressive and louder, as predicted the dude tries to match my speed, his fingers must be going crazy trying to keep up with me. All of a sudden the dude comes into view, grinning as he holds a red guitar, his eyes meet mine with a playful twinkle in them.

I start for a new song, and the guy begins to copy me, I put my entire soul into playing, determined to outdo him or at least make him miss a note. I can't stop the laugh that bubbles up as the guy grins amd begins to dance around as he plays, kicking his leg up. By the time we're done I'm panting and laughing as the guy smiles warmly at me. I'm all played out and the dude must be to because the slips the guitar off with care and sets it on his wall, I do the same but lay mine on my bed, giving it a kiss before going back to the window.

"You play good." The guy calls out with amazement, I smirk and shrug up a single shoulder.

"Nothing special though, right?" I tease, referring the guys earlier comment about me. The dude looks regretful for a second and runs a hand over his face as he lets out a breath.

"About that," he softly calls out, "I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I'm just so used to being on the defensive."

I nod in understanding, we both were hesitant and I guess it led to a bad first impression. "It's alright." I smile, climbing out of the window a little to hang my legs out, a warm breeze rustles my hair and I push it back as the dude watches me.

"Why are you alone, I saw your parents go out earlier looking all fancy." The guy asks.

I huff a laugh, "I'd rather save the acting for theatre rather than a family dinner, things haven't exactly been smooth between us all." I mumble just loud enough for the guy to hear, "I'm missing out on the food part though." I lightly laugh.

"What's your name?"

I tell him and he introduces himself as Eddie Munson, also known as the leader of Hellfire Club and local freak.

"So my mysterious neighbour named
Y/N, I'd hate to sit hear and think you're alone in there starving."

"Who says I haven't got food here?" I retort teasingly.

Eddie waggles a finger at me. "Because I guarantee your parents haven't had time to go shopping yet."

I purse my lips in defeat and avert my eyes to the ground, I hate when people are right. "Maybe." I reply.

Eddie hums and grabs a set of keys, jangling them up to capture my attention. "Let's go feed you, and me, I could kill for a cheeseburger."

I laugh but raise an eyebrow. "I'm not going on a date with you smart ass." Eddie holds a hand to his heart as if he's hurt, then gives me a pointed look.

"It's just food," he says more like a question, I nod and grab my jacket as my stomach growls, then climb out of the window and head over to meet Eddie as he does the same, "for now." He smirks, nudging me with his elbow as I shake my head, but grin anyway thinking he might not be entirely wrong.

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