The Silent Treatment

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"If you think I'm too opinionated then I guess I'll keep my mouth shut!" I shout at Eddie before pretending to zip my lips shut and throw away the key.

Eddie huffs a laugh as he puts his hands on either side of my shoulders, I turn my head away from him and stare at the wall. "Sweetheart I didn't say that, I just said that you've always got something to say, that's not always a bad thing, 'kay?"

I stay quiet. I know it's childish but I also know that it'll annoying Eddie and right now that's exactly what I want to do.

"Really? Not talking? I give you two minutes." Eddie smirks, kissing my cheek and sitting on his bed. He grabs his guitar and begins playing some Motorhead song, so I sit at his desk with my back to him, purposefully ignoring his awesome playing and focusing on the magazine in front of me.

I really want to turn and watch since I know he has that smile tilting his lips that I adore, but I refuse to show weakness. I must stay strong, so I force myself to read some dumb article about how DnD is a bad influence.

Half an hour later Eddie stops and gets up. I pause my reading, waiting to see what's going on. A few minutes later Eddie wiggles a chocolate bar near my face, making me jump. "You want the last Baby Ruth? Quick I'm about to eat it." He teases in a sing song voice.

I glare at him as he holds eye contact, Eddie opens the chocolate and takes a bite, emphasising the sounds which admittedly turn me on a little. I refuse to show the emotional turmoil he's putting me through, so I flip him off and get up, walking past him and raiding the cupboards for some cheese balls. I chew them as silently as I can as he leans against the doorframe watching me with amusement.

Eddie rolls his eyes a second later and folds the wrapper of the half eaten Baby Ruth, setting it aside on the counter. "Alright maybe you're serious, you've forced me to resort to violence." He teases. I narrow my eyes in question and put down my snack.

My heart skips a beat as he slowly backs away with a mischievous grin, knowing he's up to something, I watch from the kitchen as he plucks up my favourite stuffed animal from his bed, I sleep with it every night and Eddie knows this. "Mr Snuggles wants some fresh air, unless you object?"

I dash as fast as I can to Eddie's bedroom, by time I've gotten there he's holding my plushie out of the window, ready to drop it into the great beyond, also known as the grass outside. I open my mouth to argue, but stop myself in time. "Ah, you need to say something?" He smirks, dropping the plushie lower. I grit my teeth in annoyance as he wiggles it, but then I think of plan.

I force myself to relax my shoulders and meekly nod, stepping closer to Eddie as I act how he wants. He puts the plushie on the bed, giving its head a pat and mumbling a "Sorry Mr Snuggles" as he waits for me to speak. Instead I suddenly reach into Eddie's pocket and grab his lighter before throwing it out of the window and grabbing my stuffed best friend. Instead of getting angry Eddie just laughs as he looks between me and the window.

"Wow, you really are a vicious menace today, aren't you sweetheart?" He deeply mumbles, looking at me in awe. I shrug as I smirk, holding my plushie close to my chest feeling proud.

Eddie sighs and rubs a hand over his face, then puts on a VHS that we rented from Family Video. I sit on his bed, my fingers toy with my plushie as I watch the movie, it's one of my favourites which makes me even more pissed off that Eddie knows me so well.

Ten minutes later my focus from the move wavers, especially as I realise Eddie still hasn't come back from wherever he's wandered off to. I sigh as I sit up, wondering if I should quit my vow of silence soon. All of a sudden I hear "Shit, ouch!" from Eddie.

I get up and run to the kitchen to see the frying pan in the sink and Eddie sucking on the side of his hand, his face full of pain. Immediately I panic, forgetting everything.

"What are you doing?!" I shout, grabbing Eddie's hand and looking at the nasty burn there.

"I was trying to cook you dinner," he whines as I put his hand under the sink, he hisses in pain so I throw him an apologetic look. "Made you talk though." He smirks.

I frown and gently smack his hand, suddenly realising he's literally just burnt it. "Sorry!" I exclaim as Eddie chuckles, coming behind me and wrapping his arms around my middle.

"You're worth the pain." He whispers, kissing my neck. I roll my eyes as his hand begins to redden, so I grab the bandages from the cupboard and carefully wrap his hand.

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