Anniversary Antics

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"Wake up my princess," Eddie murmurs into my ear, I groan and try to roll over but his arm pulls me back to his side of the bed, I crack open a single eye to see Eddie grinning at me, leaning up on one elbow, "there she is."

I smile, rubbing my eyes I remember what day it is, our first anniversary. "Happy anniversary," I sleepily say, Eddie smiles and leans down to press a kiss to my lips, he tries to pull back so I wrap my arms and legs around him koala bear style, Eddie groans as the kiss deepens, but he sits up pulling me with him.

"I got you something," he says as he reaches past me under my pillow to pull out a small box, my eyes widen in shock thinking it's a ring, but Eddie shakes his head, obviously understanding my thought process, "open it."

I scoot back and take the box from him, undoing the string I open it to find some pieces of paper inside. I look to Eddie with a raised eyebrow but he just gives me an encouraging nod. I turn the papers over, gasping when I see that they're tickets for a concert, for tonight.

"No you didn't." I whisper, then as the excitement builds I leap onto Eddie, he falls backwards on the bed laughing, "Oh my God thank you so much!" I squeal, my heart thundering.

Eddie smiles, our cheeks pressed together. "I fucking love your smile." He murmurs, brushing my hair out of my face.


Eddie and I sing outloud as he drives to the concert, we're both dressed up and hyped, we'd already gotten fast food for dinner an hour ago so we're equally as energetic.

I nod my head to the beat as Eddie drums on the steering wheel, grinning from ear to ear as he belts out the words, I'm so in love with the way he sings, if only he sung for Corroded Coffin.

"We're five minutes away," he tells me as we approach the city, I wiggle in my seat, already seeing fellow concert goers lining the streets outside of the venue.

Eddie finds a place to park and helps me out of the van, with our hands linked we head to the line and wait. We talk about random things as we get closer and closer to the door, I can practically feel Eddie's body vibrating with joy.

Once inside Eddie and I grab some drinks from the bar, Eddie opts for a single beer whilst I down a few, he laughs as some dribbles down my chin, and reaches out with his thumb to wipe some away, sucking his thumb after which makes me breathless.

Already boiling and kind of nervous, Eddie leads me to the side near the stage since he knows I'm hesitant about crowds, it's still lively but nobody will be pushing into us.

As soon as the band comes on stage the crowd goes wild, including Eddie and I. I grab his hand as the music begins, we dance and sing along, bopping our heads and laughing at each other. At some point more and more people begin coming to our side and I can't see as well, so Eddie leans down.

"Get on my shoulders!" He calls out over the band, I shake my head but he nods and beckons me on, hesitantly I climb, his head between my legs as his hands rest on my thighs. Okay the view is way better now, Eddie continues as he was so I do too.

Afterwards Eddie lets me down again and immediately his hands find my waist, he pulls me to him and kisses me deeply as the band leaves the stage, the lead singer even smiles at us.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," Eddie whispers into my ear as we leave, the night air is chiller compared to the heat inside the venue and Eddie sees me shivering.

"Here," he mumbles shrugging off his jacket and wrapping it around my shoulders.

"Ever the gentleman," I laugh snuggling into his warmth as we head back to the van, Eddie gives me a look.

"Only until we get home." He deeply murmurs making my legs weak, I raise my chin in determination.

"Oh yeah? Well I still have to give you your present." I retort playfully, Eddie's eyes widen and his pace quickens, tugging me along with him.

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