I Remember...

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My eyes flutter open and the first thing I see is brown eyes, they're so brown I can't help but stare back, I try to think of who this man could be, maybe a friend.

Wait. More.

My boyfriend.

"Eddie?" I croak, sitting up as he nods and perches on the edge of the bed, I look around seeing I'm in a hospital, but I can't remember why?

"What happened?" I ask as Eddie's face falls. He reaches out a hand and gently places it on top of mine, he looks behind him as if checking for privacy, then he turns back and sighs.

"Do you remember the Upside Down?"

I frown, what is that, some bar? "No." I mumble, but then flashes of a red sky come to mind, it feels so real but surely it can't be, maybe it's from a movie, or some kind of Halloween haunted house.

"What about Vecna?"

I let out a small whimper, I feel like I should know this, but nothing comes to mind, and I hate how I've got feelings towards all this but don't know what they mean. Eddie's face fills with concern as he cups my cheek, wiping away tears that I didn't even know were falling.

"These scars," Eddie desperately begins, grabbing the neck of his band tee and pulling it down to reveal bite marks and chunky scars as if he was attacked, "Do you remember the demobats? The gates? What about Chrissy and Fred?"

I shake my head, feelings of anger bubble up, but not at Eddie, but that doesn't stop me from directing it at him. "I don't remember! Get out, you're scaring me!" I shout, pushing Eddie away as he tries to reach for me, I bring my knees up and sob as Eddie pleads but a nurse comes in and before I know it he's being escorted out, and I'm alone.

The nurses tell me I'm suffering from amnesia, that something happened to Hawkins like an earthquake, and a lot of people died, including my parents. I cry and cry, barely remembering the quake or where I was, but it doesn't matter.

I've lost my mind, my boyfriend and my family. Nothing can hurt me anymore.

********2 months later********

I smile as I get back to my apartment, stroking my cat as I sigh and flop on the bed. I've just got back from work and I'm drained, but the job is worth it and it pays the bills. I frown at the draft from the window and curse myself for not remembering to shut it before I left.

Just as I reach for the handle a flash of lightning parades across the sky, seconds later thunder booms and I jump back, my breath coming quick as I slump to the floor shaking.

All kinds of memories fill my mind. My friends from Hawkins. Eddie and I kissing before splitting up to distract the bats. Vecna. The bats. Eddie's screams mixed with mine. The Upside Down.

I gasp and clutch my chest, my cat waddles over to me and nudges my arm, probably wanting to be fed. I take a deep breath and stand on shaky legs, I just about manage to feed her before I grab my jacket, knowing what I have to do and where I need to go.

It's like I've woken up from a daydream, and I'm almost back to my old self, but some things are still hazy, and there's one person who can help me.

I get in my car and drive to Hawkins, it's just under an hour away and in that time I force myself to try and think about what I'm going to say, my emotions overspill in a mix of panic and excitement, I'm going home but at the same time it doesn't change the fact that I've still lost those I care most about.

I pull into the trailer park, seeing the chaos and ruined trailers, where Eddie used to live is now a pile of rubble, as I climb out of the car tears form and my nails dig into the palm of my hands.
"Y/N, it's so good to see you!" A man calls out, I frown as he rushes towards me, but I back away and hold my hands up, the man frowns and looks me up and down. "It's me, Wayne, Eddie's uncle. Since the whole earthquake incident we're living just over there," he points to a trailer at the other end of the park, "Eddie's in if you wanted to see him, but he's not been the same since you both parted ways."

I nod, taking in all the information and feeling a little overwhelmed. I mumble a goodbye and head over to Eddie's new trailer, my nerves frayed as I knock. "Nobody's home. Ah shit." Eddie calls out, then curses himself for the mistake.

A small smile tilts my lips until the door opens and I come face to face with the man I used to...still love. Eddie's hair is a mess, his clothes are unusually wrinkled and his eyes are bloodshot, he looks like he hasn't slept in a year, and there's a brief scent of alcohol on him.

"Y/n?" He whispers in disbelief, his eyebrows raise in hope for a second but then this entire expression changes to cold and defensive. He crosses his arms and leans on the doorframe, as if he's trying to protect himself from more heartbreak.

"I remember..." I mumble, leading off as my entire planned speech goes down the drain. Eddie immediately stands straighter, beckoning me in and closing the door behind me.

As soon as we're alone he steps forward with his arms out, but then he stops himself and clears his throat. "What do you remember?" He asks unsure.

"Everything." I reply my voice catching, whislt I'm glad my feelings finally have memories attached to them, I admit I'm terrified and alone.

"And us?" Eddie gulps, his voice thick with tears.

I nod, and as if both of us are magnets we move at the same time, wrapping our limbs around each other. My legs grip Eddie's waist as he hauls me up, burying his face in my hair as we both breathe each other in.

"Eddie I'm so sorry, I just woke up in that hospital scared and I couldn't remember anything, then you kept pushing and pushing and I wanted to remember and-" I sob, but Eddie shushes me and rubs my back, soothing me until I calm down.

"It's alright sweetie, I know. I shouldn't have been so persistent, I guess I was just jealous you got to forget everything whilst I still lived with the memories of them bats..." Eddie admits sounding sad.

I nod in understanding as he carries me to his room and sits on the bed with me in his lap. He pulls back and tucks my hair behind my ear as I sniffle. "Are you okay? I should've asked before, the bats got to you too." I ask.

Eddie sighs as he nods, looking away. "Yeah, at first the pain was too much but then I woke up and things got better, the hardest thing was worrying about you though, I can live with scars but I can't live without you, there hasn't been a day go by that I haven't thought about you, I tried to find you but you disappeared."

I bite my lip and lean my head against his shoulder, "I couldn't stay in a place I couldn't call home."

Eddie's finger traces my lip as I reach out and grab the back of his neck, his lips press against mine gently at first, but after a few moments Eddie groans and we both lose control, I push Eddie onto his back as his arms wrap around me, we both pant, desperate for air but relucant to break apart.

"Air." Eddie murmurs chuckling as I sit up. He follows and we both softly giggle, our fingers intertwine as Eddie grazes his nose against my cheek. "Have I got you back?" He asks.

I nod, "You never lost me, not really. I've got an apartment outside of Hawkins, you should come over and meet my cat." I explain.

Eddie and I spend a few hours catching up, then when night falls and I need to leave, Eddie packs his bags and insists on coming with me, not ready to be parted even temporarily.

It only takes a few weeks until we pick up where we left off, and a month later Eddie moves in with me, we hold each other up as the memories come back to haunt us at night, but now reunited we deal with them together.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now