Dealers Daughter PT 1

423 11 1

I lie on my back as I flick through the different TV channels, not much is on so I decide to get up and get a snack. I'm halfway through pouring a late night bowl of cereal when I hear the front door to the cabin open.

That's weird, my dad Rick said he wouldn't be back for a few days since he picks up his drug stash a few towns over. Armed with my spoon I hesitantly tip toe to the main room, peeking my face outside of the doorway I see a slightly familiar man around my age sitting on the couch, in the exact spot I was two minutes ago. I think his name is Eddie, and he kind of works with my dad, if you can even call it that.

I panic for a second, I don't get involved with drugs or any of my dad's business, especially not with any of his partners or clients. I try to think of what to say but I run out of time, Eddie stands up and stretches as he walks over to the kitchen, right here I am.

"JESUS H CHRIST!!" He screams as he jumps back holding a hand over his chest. I jump back too, knocking my beloved bowl of cereal everywhere.

"You shouldn't just walk into people's homes, are you feral?!" I shout as I try to gain my composure.

Eddie stares at me for a second then raises his hands in a surrender. "Hey I'm sorry, I didn't know the place was occupied."

I frown and point my spoon at him, I attempt to stand to my full height but Eddie still towers over me. "Yeah well my dad's not here, so..." I lead off hoping he'll get the message.

Eddie's eyes widen for a second, "You're Rick's daughter? Wait, I think I've seen you here before."

I give him a 'duh' look.

"Yeah well it makes sense since you apparently live here." He murmurs to himself.

"I do live here," I emphasise, "and you don't, so you should go."

Eddie purses his lips as his gaze wanders to the door. "About that," he mumbles as he runs a hand over the back of his neck nervously, "I need a place to stay for a few days, Rick used to let me hang out whenever I needed to, we're like best buddies." Eddie finishes with a smile that isn't too sure of himself.

I huff, I kind of new my dad let someone hang out for a few hours at a time, but being the antisocial butterfly I am, I'd usually hide away until they're gone. Turns out I've missed loads of opportunities to talk with this rugged metalhead.

"Fine, you can stay, but you've got to sleep on the couch and don't touch my chocolate." I give in, narrowing my eyes threateningly.

Eddie's lips quirk up, "Roger that."

I find myself smiling too as I get lost in his brown eyes, but then I remember about reality and my murdered cereal. "Shit," I mumble before clearing up the mess and grabbing the box.

Eddie follows me to the couch and begins to sit down but I shake my head and rush to my spot. Eddie shrugs and sits beside me. I cross my legs and hold the cereal box to my chest like a raccoon, I've already got a mouthful of cereal before I offer some to Eddie.

He smirks and takes a handful, chomping noisily. A few minutes later he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a joint.

I pluck it from him and throw it across the room, he turns to me and gives me a pointed look. "It's gross, a least not in here, go outside if you must."

"A drug dealers daughter who doesn't like drugs? You're getting more interesting by the second." Eddie muses, he doesn't get up though, he just settles in and continues watching the shitty TV.

My brows knit together, "Don't you want it?"

Eddie lifts a shoulder, "Eh, if you don't like it then I won't do it, I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

I smile, usually people would do whatever they want regardless of how I feel, Eddie actually listened to me and acted on it. Even though we don't know each other that well, I think the next few days could be survivable.

"Are you sure you're okay with me here? I could always take my chances somewhere else." Eddie asks looking genuine.

I nod and pass him the cereal box, "It's okay, I suppose I could use the company."

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