Midnight Illness

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The night seemed usual at first, Eddie and I say our goodnights then went to sleep, sometimes I wake up and become restless but Eddie sleeps through my random insomnia, however tonight when I wake up I have terrible stomach ache and feel shivery.

I untangle myself from Eddie, wincing as he groans just in time to make it to the bathroom where I throw up. I expect to deal with it on my own since Eddie's a heavy sleeper but to my surprise Eddie walks in behind me, already kneeling behind me and gently brushing my hair back, his other hand rubs my back comfortingly as I'm sick again.

"Oh sweetheart," Eddie murmurs soothingly, "it's alright, I'm here, just take deep breaths."

Once I'm finally done some time after, the nausea has dispersed but I still have stomach ache, I don't know what could have brought it on, maybe stress or some bad food.

"Let me get you some water." Eddie mumbles, rushing up to grab me a glass, I take it from him and sip, rinsing my mouth out first before then drinking some.

"Should we go to a hospital? Should I call someone? Maybe we could-" Eddie panics, but I shake my head with a small smile.

"I'll be okay, I'm just ill." I say.

Eddie's lets out a long exhale but his shoulders are still tense. "Maybe some fresh air will help?" He suggests. I nod so he helps me up and we head outside the front of the trailer, owls hoot in the distance and most lights are out, it must be around midnight.

We sit on the steps as I follow his advice, taking deep breaths of the refreshing night air, the gentle scent of pine trees seems to be helping a bit but not completely. I lean on Eddie's shoulder as he wraps an arm around me, his arm rubbing mine to warm me up.

"I'm sorry I woke you up, you can go back to bed if you want." I whisper quietly. Eddie gives me a pointed look then rolls his eyes playfully to try and cheer me up.

"Go back to bed? Don't be silly, I'm staying right here with you until you're better. Dr Munson will have you cured in no time." He grins, gently nudging his shoulder with mine.

I let out a small laugh, "Alright, I guess I'm in good hands."

"The best." Eddie affirms before leaning in and pressing a careful kiss on my temple, we sit for a bit longer, Eddie's eyes dart to mine every minute or so as if he's checking I'm okay.

After around ten minutes pass Eddie leads me back inside but pauses in the living room, he turns to look at me. "Couch or bed?"

I don't feel tired anymore so I point to the couch. Eddie smiles and helps me onto it, he then rushes to his room grabbing his duvet and some pillows, another trip later he brings me my favourite stuffed animal and some buttered toast on a plate.

I raise an eyebrow as he passes me the food. "Whenever I was sick my mom used to make me toast, she said it settled the stomach or something."

I smile as I gratefully take it from him, nibbling on the edges like a hamster. Eddie settles in next to me and presses play on the movie we were watching earlier, his head leans against mine sweetly. "Do you feel better yet? I hate seeing you in pain."

I do actually feel better, "Yeah, you're a natural doctor." I reply, wrapping an arm around his chest and settling in for a long night. Eddie doesn't complain, he stays with me the whole time, checking in on me and stroking my hair until dawn arrives.

We both end up falling asleep nestled into each other, my head rests on Eddie's shoulder as his head leans against mine.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now