Nothing Tops That

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Eddie POV:

I knew I wasn't cut out for love, I'd always been a cynical son of a bitch who hated the idea of being stuck with someone, I always figured relationships were for those who needed to rely on someone, and after everyone I've learnt from those around me, the last thing I wanted to do was to rely on anyone but myself.

But then things changed when She came into my life, it was unreal, I swore I'd had some sort of mental breakdown or some shit because how could I have gone from a non-believer to being completely head over heels in the space of a month.

Then again, I've always figured that nothing lasts forever. Thank God I'm right, especially after hearing those words come out of my girlfri...out of her mouth.

"Eddie, I swear it meant nothing. He took it the wrong way and didn't know we were dating, it was a short kiss and I pushed him away within seconds!"

Yeah, cynics may be miserable assholes but at least we expect the worst and aren't surprised when it comes.

I force myself to avert my gaze, if I look into her eyes any longer I know I'll forgive her. I don't want to forgive her, I want to be mad. I want to end things now, let her go so I can be myself again, whoever that is.

"Please," She whispers, tears are falling down her face and I almost move to wrap my arms around her, but I clench my fists and back away, I need to get out. Now.

She sobs as I swing the door open and slam it behind me, I grit my teeth as hard as I can until my jaw hurts, good.

I get into my van, tires screech out of the drive as I go go go. When I'm finally on the main road I speed up, tears spring in my eyes and I don't want them to be there. Fuck!

I roll down the window, letting the cold night air in as I speed up, I'm ready to self destruct because I promised myself I'd never rely on anyone...and yet here I am, putting all my faith and love in her.

I let it all out by shouting, slamming my hands against the steering wheel. Someone touched my girl, someone tried to steal her away from me and she's mine.

Shit, she thinks I'm mad at her. I guess I thought I was mad at her, but after driving for a while I finally slow down, realising that I'm infuriated at Him, for laying his hands on my girlfriend.

As much as I want to find him, the guilt and anguish is beginning to settle into the depths of my bones. I've overreacted, let my insecurities get in the way.

I turn the van around, heading home back to my trailer so I can think things through. Shit, I need a beer, or a smoke. Maybe both and something stronger.

When I get back to the trailer I see a car parked outside, at first I don't recognise it. Shit, is it the cops? I shouldn't have driven like a maniac, shit.

I let out a breath, then inhale deeply before getting out and facing the truth. Instead I'm greeted by her. Her eyes are red from crying and I notice she's shaking, it's freezing out here and she's not wearing a jacket. I slip mine off without thinking and wrap it around her, then I embrace her as tight as I can without hurting her.

"I'm so fucking sorry. I'm not mad at you, I swear. I just didn't know how to deal with it and I ran-" I ramble, the words spill out of me before I can think.

I feel her arms squeeze me back, her breath is warm against my chest and for a second things feel right again. "Eddie I promise it was nothing." She sobs.

I stroke her hair, guiding her inside the empty trailer. I sit on the couch, pulling her onto my lap as her arms wrap around my neck, her face buries into my shoulder.

"Okay, I believe you," I nod, rubbing her back to soothe her. And I do, I do believe her, I shouldn't have let everything get in the way.

When she finally calms down half an hour later, she pulls away slightly and my heart breaks at her sad face, I'd do anything to make her smile. "You're everything to me, I'm not letting some stupid mistake that wasn't even your fault break us, kay?"

She nods unsure, so I cup her face and brush my thumb agasint her cheek, I press my lips against hers, savouring the way she always gasps, the taste of her lip balm, the warmth of her.

"I love you more than I thought was ever possible." She whispers thickly between the kiss.

I smile, earning a small smile from her. "You made me believe in love sweetheart, nothing tops that."

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