I'm Right Here

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I try and wave to Nancy, Steve and Robin in the school gym but they all seem to blank me. With a sigh I set down the last box and nod a goodbye to the volunteers. Even after all we've been through- even after what I've been through- the group has just suddenly cut me off. I've heard nothing from them, none of them want to talk to me, and I'm not included in any future plans. Hell, Dustin even told me it isn't a good idea to go visit Max in hospital.

I head home feeling lonelier than ever, but as I put my keys in the door, a familiar voice calls my name. "Y/N, wait!"

I turn to see Gareth, a fellow Hellfire Club member, smiling at me, jogging over from his house across the street. Since the others abandoned me, I've spent a lot more time with Gareth, especially since we were both close to Eddie, we kind of bonded over it in an odd way.

As usual, I let Gareth in and we spend hours watching movies and talking about them. Once I notice how much time has passed, I pause our current movie and turn to him. "It's getting pretty late..." I lead off with a smile. Gareth nods but licks his lips, as if he's about to say something.

Instead, his hand darts out and grabs the back of my head, his mouth suddenly covers mine before I have time to react. At first I stiffen, feeling awkward and not used to the physical contact, but then I realise how much I've missed it, and I grab his top to pull him closer to me. His hand messes up my hair, his kiss inexperienced, and it just feels wrong compared to Eddie's kisses.

I feel relieved when there's a knock on the door. With an awkward clearing of my throat I stand up and rush to the door, grateful for the distraction, but I must look a mess since my hair is messed up and my clothes are wrinkled.

As soon as I open the door, my heart drops to my feet. Eddie stands there with his hands in his pockets, a nervous look on his face soon turns to confusion as his eyes scan my body, his eyes meet mine as he figures it out.

"You- how- Eddie?" I stutter, frowning as I stumble back, Gareth leaps up from the couch but Eddie beats him to it, catching me before I fall over.

"I know, it's a lot, but it's me." Eddie murmurs, his eyes flick to Gareth's momentarily. Gareth pales as his eyes widen.

"You died dude, what the hell?" Gareth asks in shock. Eddie nods, gesturing his head at the door, Gareth closes it and turns to face Eddie.

"I didn't die, I can't explain it all right now but I had to fake my death otherwise the entire town would be after me." Eddie lies, giving me a look that tells me he'll explain the real reason later.

I stand up on shaky legs, then look up at Eddie's face, finally seeing those eyes I've missed. With a cry I wrap my arms around his middle, tears falling down my face as Eddie tightly hugs me back.

"I didn't know you were alive, I've been so lonely, I thought you were-" I babble, feeling the guilt settle in as I recall what me and Gareth were doing only minutes earlier.

Eddie shushes me and rubs my back. "I'm sorry, we- I should go." Gareth mumbles, quickly leaving.

As soon as Eddie and I are alone, I finally break down further, "We only kissed just this once and it didn't even feel right, I love you still, I never stopped loving you."

"It's okay, I get it, I love you too." Eddie whispers, letting me cry until I run out of tears. Somehow we've made it onto the floor again, with me sitting between Eddie's legs, my head resting in the crook of his shoulder as he strokes my hair.

"Why didn't you tell me you were alive? Do the others know?" I whisper.

Eddie nods with a sigh, and anger courses through me, but I put it aside for now. "We had to make it believable, I wasn't lying when I told Gareth the town would be after me. We all agreed to keep you out of the loop because you're a terrible liar," I give him a look and his lips tilt up, "you are. We had to wait a few weeks until things settled a bit, that's why I'm here now."

I stay quiet, so Eddie adds "I missed you every second, I had to force myself not to come and see you, it's the hardest thing I've ever done, knowing I caused you so much pain."

I nod, "You're so stupid and I want to punch your gorgeous face, but I understand. Promise me you'll never leave me again, it almost killed me Eddie."

Eddie grabs my hands and brings them up to his mouth, "I'm right here and I always will be Y/N." He mumbles, kissing my fingers and pulling me towards him.

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