Annoyingly Impressive PT 2

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AN: This imagine is a sequel to part 1, it will only make sense if you've read the first half.

"I'm not going on a date with you smart ass." Eddie holds a hand to his heart as if he's hurt, then gives me a pointed look.

"It's just food," he says more like a question, I nod and grab my jacket as my stomach growls, then climb out of the window and head over to meet Eddie as he does the same, "for now." He smirks, nudging me with his elbow as I shake my head, but grin anyway thinking he might not be entirely wrong.

Eddie leads me around the side of his trailer to a dark blue van, it's slightly rusted and looks like it's seen better days, but Eddie introduces it proudly. I smile as he opens the door for me, and I climb in. Before Eddie can shut the door I grab it, stopping just before it's closed.

"Don't try to be a gentleman, this isn't a date." I warn, holding up one finger as Eddie's brows shoot up and he backs away, coming around to the drivers side. He gets in and starts the engine, almost immediately Black Sabbath begins to play from the radio.

"Did you know Ozzy bit a bats-"

"Head off. Yeah of course I know." Eddie grins as he begins to reverse, I cross my arms and huff feeling even more defeated, why is this man so annoying, yet I can't help but to be drawn to him.

"Where are we headed?" I ask once on the main roads and out of the suffocating trailer park. My eyes take in the scenery of Hawkins for the first time, and all I can think is how small and foresty this place is.

"Well a gentleman would ask the lady, but since you don't want that I've decided to go to this little diner on the outskirts of Hawkins, their fries are amazing." Eddie smirks, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel in beat to the music.

I open my mouth to argue, but let out a throaty laugh as I sigh, I absolutely cannot believe this guy.

We arrive in no time, I climb out as Eddie locks the van and leads me to a small diner that's got stools and tables, I think it's called Benny's Burgers or something, either way it's old but has a comforting atmosphere, though the lack of people is a little worrying, then again it's pretty late in the evening.

Eddie and I take the table in the corner and I pluck up the menu, scanning the specials and meals before realising I didn't bring any money. I put the menu down, silently panicking.

"Why do you look like you're about to have a heart attack?" Eddie asks, a mix of concern and amusement in his tone.

I avert my eyes to the floor as I mumble "I forgot to bring money." Eddie opens his mouth as if to tease, but then stops and shrugs.

"I was going to pay anyway, in more of a 'welcome to the neighbourhood friend' kind of way rather than a date."

My shoulders slump and for once I nod, politely smiling as an older woman comes to take our orders. I say what I want then surprisingly Eddie orders a kids meal, insisting on it when the waitress questions him. With an odd glance at Eddie she hurries off to get the food.

"Aren't you hungry?" I ask, my fingers toy with the salt packets as Eddie shakes his head, looking slightly embarrassed.

"I already ate."

My brows furrow, "So why did you take me to dinner?" I ask confused. Eddie's lips narrow as the waitress brings our drinks, Eddie thanks her as I wait for an answer. When Eddie sees I'm not backing down he sighs and leans back.

"I didn't like the thought of you being alone and hungry alright?"

My lips tilt into a smile as I reach for his hand, touched at the kind gesture, but I stop myself halfway and end up sitting on my hands, silently cursing myself for letting my guard down.

Eddie and I begin to talk about our hobbies and basic things, until he pokes at the deeper questions, asking why my family moved here and what happened to make me so sour.

I hesitate, but find myself spilling to him, telling him my feelings as he nods and listens intently, he never judges as I explain the dynamics of my family and what happed. If anything he seems to understand and sympathise with me. When I feel too much I change the subject to guitars, asking him how he learnt and who taught him, Eddie asks me the same things back and it turns out we have a lot in common.

"It's like destiny," Eddie mumbles around a mouthful of chicken nuggets, I frown as I pick at my last few fries, Eddie was right, they're the best I've ever had.

"What's like destiny?" I laugh feeling at ease as Eddie swallows, he leans forward resting his elbows on the table as his eyes capture mine. The intensity is too much and I end up throwing a fry at him, he catches it and eats it.

"You and me, it's like you were destined to meet me and be my girlfriend." He murmurs, I instinctively lean forward towards him until our faces are inches apart, our fingertips almost touch as my lips part.

"You're crazy." I whisper, then we both burst out laughing to the point of doubling over. After our eyes meet, and for some reason I find myself saying "I'm actually in need of a boyfriend, so you're in luck."

Eddie's eyes widen but then he pulls a face in disbelief. "You're messing with me?" He waves off.

I shake my head, "Oh I wish, but somehow you're the first to melt my icy heart." I tease, but there's so much truth to the statement. Eddie's lips tilt up as he slowly reaches over the table and takes my hands in his.

"In that case you can have my last few fries, you've been eyeing them up for the last ten minutes. Oh and this random figure." He mumbles, sliding me his fries and a kids toy shaped like a dragon.

"Thank you." I whisper, devouring the fries and picking up the dragon. Eddie winks at me, making me blush.

"His name is George and he's a massive fan of mystery novels. He hates broccoli and loves WASP." Eddie mumbles seriously as he nods at the toy in my hand.

I laugh, impressed by his imagination and nod a few times. Eddie pays then we head back to his van hand in hand, we drive back to the trailer park in a comfortable silence. Once back I climb out and only just hear the familiar sound of my parents arguing.

Eddie glances at my trailer then back at me. "You can come hang out at my place if you want?" He softly asks, stepping forward to wrap his arms around me. A few hours ago I would've punched him for it, but now it feels comforting and nice.

"Nah it's alright, they'll shut up after half an hour or as soon as I get in, you know play happy families and all." I lightly say. Eddie nods and pulls away, but then cups my cheek and leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips. He says for a second then his nose brushes against mine before he pulls back.

"Another guitar battle tomorrow night?" Eddie smiles as he walks me to my trailer next to his.

I nod and smirk, "It's on, if you can keep up."

Eddie laughs and grabs my hand, leaning down for one more kiss before letting go and turning away, waving a hand up without looking. I scoff and roll my eyes, touching my lips before heading in.

George the dragon is clutched in my fist as I answer my parents questions, and head to my room, for once I'm not bothered by their act, if anything I'm kind of glad we moved here now.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now