Emergency Cuddles

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AN: I can't believe today marks the one year anniversary since s4 Vol 1 came out and we first met Eddie, it's been 365 days and every one of them Eddie has been on my mind🤭

Today's been a rough day, after having a pretty stressful day where literally everything has gone wrong, I know I just need the comfort of my favourite person.

Usually Eddie and I hang out at his trailer together in the evenings when we're not on dates, sometimes we'll do our own thing whilst still having fun, before watching a movie together or playing a game.

Tonight though is different, after spending a short amount of time doing our own thing, I stand up and walk over to the bed where Eddie's sat, he looks up at me with his book still in his hand, and in silence I climb onto his lap and wrap my arms around his neck, nuzzling into his chest.

Eddie chuckles and puts his book down, then wraps his arms around me tightly. "This is new," he murmurs with slight concern in his voice, "is something wrong?"

I hesitate then shake my head, Eddie just nods in understanding, I'm so glad he knows when I just need to be quiet and have some downtime. He adjusts himself so he's leaning back against the wall, he shuffles down and stretches out his legs so I fall between them, he then sandwiches me in and drapes a blanket over us.

"I guess this is an emergency cuddle, that means Sir Flufferton needs to intervene." Eddie smiles as he grabs a plushie I keep in his bed for sleepovers.

I smile as he plonks the plushie between us, the cute face stares at me and I already feel a little lighter.

"Is this okay? I'm not bothering you am I?" I whisper after a few minutes after realising I basically bombarded Eddie's reading time.

Eddie shakes his head as his brows furrow, "Of course not, cuddling you is my second favourite thing to do."

I look up at him with one eyebrow quirked. "What's your favourite thing then?"

Eddie smiles knowingly before leaning down and pressing a gentle, playful kiss to the tip of my nose. "Kissing you."

His words make me melt, and I nuzzle even closer to his chest, I can hear his heartbeat clearly and the constant rhythm of it calms me down. We stay like that for a while until I let out a small yawn. Eddie grins at me as he reaches out and brushes my hair away from my face. 

"Seems like someone needs a nap." He mumbles as he grins. I shake my head but yawn again, I guess the stress really is getting to me, and I suppose a nap wouldn't hurt.

"But we were gonna watch a movie soon." I reply feeling guiltily.

Eddie shrugs a shoulder, "It's alright, we can watch it later if you want." I nod and go to move, but Eddie's arms cage me in and pull be back to his chest, I look up at him curiously as I get comfy, already getting the gist of his plan.

"You can nap on me if you want, I like having you here." He whispers as he kisses the top of my head. I smile as I close my eyes, my body relaxes into Eddie's, his arms support me from falling and I trust that he'll keep hold of me.

"You're so beautiful, I'm so glad you're my girlfriend." He murmurs whilst playing with my hair gently, coaxing me to a deep sleep.

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