Come Home To Me

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Rain hammers against the window as the old TV plays some random movie I'm sure nobody has ever heard of. I shift on the squeaky mattress and try to breathe calmly, but the questionable noises from the motel room next door become louder and louder, so I sit up and turn the TV louder to drown out their noise.

It's been three days since I ran away from Hawkins, I couldn't see a life for myself there and I know everyone's doing better without me, I'm sure my parents probably haven't even noticed I'm missing since they pay more attention to each other than their only child.

A sudden bang of thunder makes me jump, I've never been a fan of storms so I get up and head to the window to close the curtains, but familiar voices sound from outside along with footsteps.

"She's here, it's the only other motel we haven't checked yet."

"Maybe she's gone further west, we can't keep looking all over the country Eddie"

"Dustin's got a poin-"

"Well go back to Hawkins then. I'm not going home until I find her."

"Suit yourself Munson, we'll see you back home."

Numerous footsteps fade away and I slump against the small couch near the windowsill. I'm still shocked the group would come looking for me, I didn't leave a note or anything so I presumed they'd leave me alone.

"Where are you Y/N?" I hear Eddie mumble from right outside my front door. I freeze, and risk peeking out of the curtains to see a disheveled Eddie looking down the walkway, as if sensing my eyes on him his head turns and his eyes meet mine.

I grab the curtains and shut them as fast as I can, but I know he recognised me, his eyes widened in disbelief moments before. Maybe he won't-

"It's Eddie, open up."

I refuse to move, stuck sat on the couch.

"Please, I just wanna talk, we've been worried sick about you."

I take a deep breath and fight the urge to run to him, my knee bounces as I wait for him to go away.

"Y/N talk to me, I'm begging you, just a word to let me know you're okay." His voice cracks and I can't take it anymore.

Hesitantly I stand up and unlock the door, I open it a crack and watch as Eddie's shoulders slump in relief. I have time to open it a few inches more before Eddie rushes in and wraps his arms tightly around me, his body shakes as he lets out a breath.

"Fuck I'm so glad you're okay, I haven't slept a second since I knew you were gone, why did you leave? Did something happen? Is it me?" He rambles worriedly.

I shake my head as I hug him back, shutting the door with my foot. "I just didn't want to be there anymore." I mumble, Eddie pulls back slightly still keeping his hands on me as if I'll run away again.

"Trust me I get it, but running away isn't the answer, especially when you're leaving the people who care about you." He says.

I huff a laugh as I pull away, crossing my arms I sit on the edge of the bed as it squeaks. "Nobody missed me, not really."

Eddie frowns, "Bullshit," he harshly says before kneeling infront of me and taking my hands in his, "Nancy has been worried sick and Dustin called Suzie for help, and...I've been torturing myself thinking about why you left, if something had happened to you and I didn't know- I couldn't live with myself."

I stare at Eddie as he looks up at me, he cups my cheek as tears fill my eyes. "Oh," is all I can manage, but I think Eddie understands all the words I can't say, as if we're silently speaking to each other through a series of looks.

"Come home with me sweetheart, I know Hawkins isn't the best but I swear I'll do everything to make it better for you, and then when we're ready we can both leave the shithole together hand in hand," Eddie offers.

I look around the motel room, okay so he's got a point, maybe I've been a little dramatic, but somehow Eddie's convincing and a part of me knows that every word he's saying is the truth. I nod after a second, watching as Eddie's lips tilt into a small smile.

"Only because I miss the milkshakes from Benny's" I say with a smile, Eddie stands up and points to the TV.

"I'm sure you miss the movies too."

I bite back a laugh as I stand up too and begin packing the few things I brought, "Yeah, though I missed you the most."

Eddie opens his mouth then closes it, he slowly steps towards me and reaches for my cheeks with both hands. He tilts my face up as he leans in. "Is this okay?" He whispers.

"Yeah, you're making it easier to come back." I murmur as my eyes dart to his lips. Eddie closes the space between us gently, as if treading lightly on this new thing between us.

The kiss is long but gentle, when Eddie pulls away he's looking at me like I'm the best thing he's ever seen.

Maybe Hawkins has its pros after all...

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now