Cherish Each Other PT 2

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I'm in a wide open space, a breeze blows my hair and there's a strange tension in the air, like a storm that's brewing. I try to look around but the sound of heavy footsteps captures my attention.

"You care for your friends so much, it makes you weak." A deep voice growls behind me, I turn to see Vecna standing there tall above me, his eyes glare at me menacingly and I can't help but take a step back.

"I'm not weak, it makes me human." I defend, raising my chin in defiance though my heart I pounding. Vecna grunts in disdain before turning back and walking into the shadows, only allowing me a small moment to realise where I am-

My eyes shoot open, I wake up in Eddie's bed, our limbs tangled together, skin against skin. After finding Eddie and telling him everything he took me in, we kissed and made up for lost time before I finally passed out from exhaustion.

Daylight streams through the blinds and Eddie lightly snores beside me, but I'm far from sleepy, already a plan is devising in my head about what we can do to kill Vecna, after Eddie's accidental genius reference to Kas and DnD I've been wondering how I could save Hawkins, hell even the world. I'm the only one strong enough with the same power as Vecna, but I need to be careful since we're connected.

"Eddie?" I whisper after an hour, his eyes open slowly, his brows crinkle sensing my mood, "What's wrong?" He murmurs, sitting up as the blankets fall off of his bare chest.

I avoid my eyes from the welcome distraction, "I know where Vecna is, all this time he's been a voice in my head, but I think he's just showed me where he is."

Eddie's eyes widen, he looks at me waiting for an answer. "He's at an abandoned warehouse just on the outskirts of Hawkins, and I think I can take him on."

Eddie stands up, pulling on his clothes from yesterday as he shakes his head rapidly. "No. No way. You're not going against him, he can kill you."

"And he can kill all of you. It's worth the risk Eddie, especially if it means keeping you all safe again." I argue, getting dressed as Eddie runs a hand through his hair.

"I'm not losing you again." He sternly says giving me a pained look. I sigh and walk up to him, reaching up to cup his cheek.

"You know I'll never truly be gone, we've got memories and-"

"No! Don't give me that shit, none of its worth it if I'm not with you, fuck the memories I want our future, I want us. If you die, I'll follow soon after, my heart beats for you and I hate the power you have over me, I love you so much I can't even imagine a life without you in it, we're two halves of the same fucking soul."

By the time Eddie's finished his outburst he's panting, and my lips are on his desperately. His hands dig into my hair and I'm breathless. I pull away after a while, I'll never forgive myself for this...

"You're my heart Munson." I whisper before using my new abilities to press the pressure points on his neck, within seconds he's out like a light. I prop him up against the wall and cover him with a blanket, then leave.

After some very awkward and emotional phone calls I gather the gang at the old Benny'y Burgers, we all hug and reunite, but it's short lived when I tell them the plan. "He's at the old warehouse at the East side of Hawkins, he's going to beckon me soon but I can buy you some time, if you can do some damage I might be able to finish him off for good, essentially like we did before but this time I've got powers."

Nancy looks at me with pride, she nods liking the plan. "He's done some serious down grading after the Creel House, maybe the bills were too expensive." Robin lightly says, earning a few chuckles from us.

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