Problemental Plushies

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My parents finally leave and I wave at them from the door, my smile instantly drops when their car is halfway down the road. Instantly I turn around and slam the door, rushing upstairs to get changed and fix my makeup before Eddie comes over.

For the first time. I'm still nervous but excited to show Eddie where I live, especially since I've already seen his bedroom and trailer numerous times since Wayne is out a lot, but because my parents are home more than Wayne, Eddie's never had a chance to come around.

Ten minutes later the door knocks, I run down the stairs and fling the door open to reveal a anxious looking Eddie, but as soon as he sees me it's replaced with joy. I grin and jump up, wrapping my arms around his neck as he envelops me into a warm hug, burying his face into my neck as he picks me off of my feet and waddles inside, closing the door behind him.

"You don't have any nosey neighbours do you? I parked my van a few houses away just in case..." Eddie mumbles, pulling back as he looks around. I shake my head and notice his eyes are wide.

"And I thought I had a castle," Eddie sarcastically says, referring to the nickname he has for his trailer, "You've got a kingdom." Eddie begins to wander about, plucking up family trinkets and photo frames along the way, analysing each and ever item as if it were alien. I give Eddie a quick tour of the downstairs then lead him up to my room, anxiety nips at my heels but I shove it down and smother it with my excitement instead."

"Here's my beloved room, my safety space and absolute favourite place to be." I say dramatically as I wave my hands out and gesture for Eddie to enter. His lips tilt into a smile as he walks in, I follow and close my door, watching as Eddie's eyes dart from one thing to another.

His eyes stare at the floor for a second and I notice a faint blush covers his cheeks, I glance down to see an abandoned black lacy bra half under my bed, I clear my throat and walk over to it, kicking it under my bed without meeting Eddie's eyes.

We don't talk about it.

Eddie finally stares at my bed, it feels personal and I begin to toy with my necklace until Eddie grins and climbs onto it, kicking his shoes off first. "Look at all these stuffed animals, how many does a girl need?" He teases, plucking up my most ratty and old one.

I gasp and reach out for my prized possession, but Eddie smirks and holds it infront of his face. "Who's this guy? Ye looks old, wait is that a teeth mark?" He squints closer.

I reach for it again but Eddie moves it out of the way, I collapse onto the bed and sigh, shoving a pillow over my head. "It's Sir Fluffington." I mumble, feeling embarrassed.

Eddie chuckles and I feel his weight shift, the pillow is removed from my head and I see my childhood stuffed animal near my face, Eddie pretends to make it kiss me and I let out a small laugh, sitting up as Eddie turns and gently sets it on my bed again. "Tell me about my competition." Eddie says softly, reaching out to graze his knuckles against my cheek.

I smile and begin to tell him the history of my childhood toy, the one that's brought me comfort and helped me avoid sleepless nights. I tell Eddie where I got it and how. Eddie listens intently and smiles, never judging me or making fun.

"Ah, no wonder you're so protective of the dude." Eddie murmurs once I'm done, I frown and gently nudge my shoulder against Eddie's.

"You probably think it's weird right?" I ask as Eddie wraps his arms around me and lies down onto his back, pulling me onto his chest.

"Not at all, I think it's adorable. And besides I have a toy like that too, I sleep with it every night." Eddie confesses, stroking my hair as I look up into his brown eyes.


He nods, "Uh-huh, it's this plastic dragon, half the paint has come off but I still keep it under my pillow, my Uncle Wayne bought it for me from some garage sale the same week I started living with him, he said it would keep me safe and company."

I smile at the thought of little Eddie tucked up in bed clutching a plastic dragon to his chest as he sleeps, my heart practically explodes at the cuteness.

"That's so sweet." I laugh, attempting to tickle his side. He swats my hand away and pretends to frown, but I know he's amused and holding back on laughter.

"Whatever. Just don't tell anyone or we'll have to escape the country to run away from my embarrassment." He chuckles, kissing the top of my head as I close my eyes, my hand rests over his heart.

"Did you come all the way over here just to nap with me?" I ask changing the subject. Eddie shrugs as I sit up.

"If you want, I did think we were going to watch a movie or play something." Eddie replies, sitting up beside me.

I nod, "A game of Twister? Then we could order takeout?"

Eddie grins and reaches out to gently grab my chin, leaning in he presses a delicate kiss to my lips before standing up and pointing a finger at me. "I'm not going easy on you." He warns.

I scoff and smirk, "Longer legs doesn't equal winning."

"I think it does sweetheart."

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now