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I grin at my best friends as we all join hands, dancing terribly but enjoying the moment and the school dance together.

"Uh-oh." One mumbles, her face falls and I notice her eyes are focused on someone who had just walked through the door.

Eddie Munson. Aka, my ex.
He's also got his arm linked with some girl I knew from Hellfire Club, back when I used to eagerly attend.

"It's okay, he can do what he wants." I force out, turning back to my friends as they look at me with a mixture of worry and concern. Two out of three shrug and continue, but my closest friend pulls me aside away from the dance floor.

"You don't have to pretend with me, I know you still like him." She softly says, placing her hand on my arm comfortingly. I shake my head, absolutely not feeling as happy as I'm pretending to be.

"Whatever, come on let's have some fun." I reply, throwing myself back into the dancing. A slow song comes on and everyone begins to couple up.

My heart pounds as I see Eddie and Hellfire girl on the dance floor, his arm is wrapped around her waist as his other hand clings onto hers.

My mind wanders to a time when he'd touch me like that, I remember us slow dancing in his kitchen to songs that ironically aren't slow. I remember the way his lips would press light kisses to my neck. The way his hands would graze my bare skin so tenderly before grabbing me and...

I'm here to have fun, not mourn something I lost a while ago. I spot a boy I know from my class, we're kind of friends but not overly close. "Would you dance with me?" I rush out, already grabbing his arm.

His eyes widen as he follows my lead, both of his hands find my waist and already it just feels wrong. But I push through and smile as we dance, I briefly see my friends dancing with their own partners and I'm happy for them.

"So who's the guy?" The dude in front of me asks. My eyebrows knit together and he rolls his eyes, giving me a knowing smile.

"You'd never want to dance with me, so who are you trying to get at?"

I let out a small sigh as he spins me around, "My Munso- Eddie." I mumble, stopping myself before I can say too much. The boy nods and looks over my shoulder, a momentary look of fear crosses his face before he looks back to me.

"I think it's working Y/N." He nervously laughs. I look over my shoulder to see Eddie staring daggers at the boy, and a satisfied feeling overcomes me, until the guilt sets in.

Luckily the song ends just as I pull away, "I'm sorry, that was wrong of me to do that." I apologise. The boy shrugs and adjusts his tie.

"It's alright, at least I got to dance with a pretty girl tonight."

With one last smile I decide I'm calling it a night, so I turn and make my way through the crowd, seeing Eddie and the girl laugh with his hand still wrapped around her waist.

Jealousy and heartbreak course through me, so I dash to the exit and break out into the parking lot, where is much quieter than inside. I vaguely hear the music play as I slump down onto the curb, my dress puffs around me as I bring my knees to my chest.

"Are you okay? Your date wasn't exactly knowledgeable about you." A familiar voice says from behind me. I turn to see Eddie standing behind me looking worried.

"I'm fine." I bluntly say, turning away from him and staring out into the darkness.

Eddie obviously doesn't think so, because he comes and sits beside me, pulling out his pack of cigarettes from his inside pocket, he slips one into his mouth and lights it up, taking a deep drag as I watch from the corner of my eye.

"You got over me quick." I blurt out, feeling ashamed afterwards.

Eddie frowns as he looks at me, his cigarette dangles from his ringed fingers. "What?"

"Your date seems nice, I remember her from Hellfire, gotta say I'm surprised you brought her here considering you hate school dances." I add.

Eddie huffs a laugh and flicks his cigarette away. "She's not my date."

"Don't lie to me. I saw you both together." I snap, my voice raises and I can't stop the tears that form in my eyes. I turn my head and try to blink them away.

"It's a favor. Her date bailed on her so she asked if I'd step in." Eddie explains, leaning back on his hands.

I scoff, "So what, she's gonna sleep with you for it?"

"Am I that transparent?" Eddie sarcastically bickers, I purse my lips as I stare at him, hating how we've come to this when we used to be so good.

Eddie sighs, rubbing a hand over his face in annoyance. "She was gonna help me get back with you." He mumbles, hiding behind his hand.

I blink at him as my mind tries to process what he's said. I don't reply, I can't form a single thought.

Eddie peeks at me from between his fingers. "She's a girl, she knows, you know, girl stuff. I figured she'd know the best way to make up for everything and help me fix things between us." Eddie waves his hand gesturing between us.

I'm relieved to hear she's not his date, but at the same time it's an odd situation...one Eddie would definitely get himself into. It seems reasonable.

"Trust me," Eddie softly murmurs as his eyes stare at the floor, "I'd rather be with you tonight. Here, at mine, at yours, anywhere."

"What happened to you being not boyfriend material?" I suspiciously ask, referring to the reason we broke up.

Eddie shrugs a shoulder, "Maybe I'm still not, I still hate school dances and would rather gouge my eyes out than watch a romance movie, but I still care about you and want you to be happy. Maybe I'm just selfish and can't let you go."

"Then don't." I whisper. Eddie's eyes shoot up to mine and I move closer to him. His hand reaches out and cups my face as our faces are inches apart.

My breath quickens as I eagerly await his lips to be on mine, but we're interrupted when the door opens and a voice calls out.

"Eddie, turns out my date was too shy earlier, but he's taking me home now." The Hellfire girl says, smirking as she looks between us.

Eddie nods as she goes back inside, then his arms suddenly pull me onto his lap, my arms wrap around his neck as he kisses me. We stay like that for a while, just making up for lost time as we listen to the music.

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