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AN: I thought it'd be cool if I wrote a Vampire!Eddie imagine since so many love the Kas theory!

TW: Blood, biting.

I sigh as I switch the news channels, all of them covering the odd goings on around Hawkins such as an increase in finding dead animals with blood drained, once again like before everyone's blaming it on a cultist motive, pointing fingers at the recently disbanded Hellfire Club.

I head upstairs to my room, cracking open the window since this summer has been weirdly hot, then I begin getting ready for bed. I sit at my desk, running a brush through my hair when I suddenly get the feeling that someone's behind me, I swivel around to find Eddie standing near the window, looking pale.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you in weeks!" I exclaim, getting up and stalking towards Eddie. He steps back, avoiding me as he throws his hands up.

"I've been going through some...stuff." Eddie vaguely says, and I notice that his teeth look sharper. I frown and ignore his pleas, stepping closer to him.

"Somethings off about you, you're acting weird." I mutter, grabbing his face in my hand and titling it down. Eddie watches me in silence, allowing me to observe.

Things finally click and I freeze. "Jesus Christ, are you like, a vampire or something? You know, like Kas from DnD?"

Eddie opens and closes his mouth, but then nods once. I mean, we've all been through some crazy things, but this is... kind of cool actually.

"You're behind the animal attacks?" I ask, Eddie oncd again nods.

"I've been craving blood, I tried waffles but they didn't stay down long, I found a dead deer in the woods, some hunters got it, so I grabbed it and found a place know..." Eddie explains, pointing at his teeth.

I raise my eyebrows, "When was the last time you fed?" Eddie shrugs and scratches his chin. "A few days ago, I'm gonna have to go out again tonight, but it feels so wrong to be doing this."

My face must show my sympathy as Eddie sits down on my bed, I follow him, placing my hand on his knee. "How much do you need?"

Eddie looks at me with a frown, "Uh, just a few mouthfuls is enough, why?" He drawls, looking me up and down as I lick my lips.

I shake my head and move my hair out of the way, exposing my neck. "Take some from me." I murmur as Eddie's eyes widen.

He leans back, "No way, I'm not letting you do this."

I sigh and climb onto his lap, wrapping my legs around his waist to keep my balance. I cup his face between my hands to make him look at me. "You need it, and I trust you enough not to kill me."

Eddie gulps, his eyes between mine and my neck, I can see the war raging inside of his head, but he must be desperate because he nods. I expected further questions, but Eddie suddenly leans towards me, pressing a kiss to my neck before biting.

At first it hurts a little, enough to make me tense up, but then Eddie's thumb rubs my arm and I relax, the pain turning to pleasure as I open my mouth in a moan.

Eddie's hand grips me as I lean into him, but as quick as he started, he pulls away breathing heavily, a small droplet of blood lingers on his lips.

"You okay?" He whispers, I nod and reach up, wiping the blood away with my finger. Eddie catches my arm and tugs me towards him as he lies back on my bed, his arm wraps around my body as I listen to his very slow heartbeat.

We stay like that for a few hours, until Eddie sits up with me still in his lap. "I should go, I've got a few things I need to do."

I smile and stand up, walking to the window as Eddie follows. "Thank you for helping, you taste really good."

I blush at the comment, it feels strangely intimate. Eddie leans down and kisses my cheek, murmuring a "See you soon sweetheart" before jumping out of the window.

I gasp and lean out, seeing no sign of Eddie at all.

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