Embrace Yourself

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AN: This imagine features a reader with an 'edgy, gothic, unique' style, this imagine has very light themes of being picked on and a possible mental breakdown, but they're soon resolved and it has a HEA♡

☆Reminder: You're perfect exactly the way you are, never change☆

I stare at myself in the mirror, for once I feel really confident and happy with how I look, it's slightly different from how I usually dress for school, but not too drastic, however I'm fed up of pretending to be someone I'm not around my friends.

Half an hour later and I'm sat in class with my friends, I noticed they spoke quietly with each other as soon as I walked in, and I just had the bad feeling it was about me, but I shrugged it off and smiled for them anyway.

"You look...different today." One points out as the teacher leaves the class for some reason. I nod, plastering on a smile.

"Yeah, I changed my makeup a bit and wore this jacket I've had for ages but never wore, I'm actually really happ-"

"You look like one of the freaks." Another friend teases, elbowing the other and cutting me off. My smile drops and I cross my arms over my top, feeling embarrassed and ashamed. I purse my lips together, mumbling a "Yeah" just to keep them off of my back.

I turn back in my seat when they all start talking, I don't want to be part of anything they're talking or gossiping about. Their words really hurt me, I should've known they wouldn't accept me. I stay quiet throughout the rest of the class, not really paying attention to the teacher since my heart isn't in it. I feel eyes on me when I know deep down nobody's looking, I just feel so outcasted.

As soon as the bell rings I pack up my things slowly, not at all surprised when my friends leave me behind. Once I'm done packing, I see Eddie Munson still sat in his seat beside me, his eyes on me just as the teacher leaves.

"I heard what they said earlier," Eddie begins softly, his brows full of concern as I avoid his eyes from shame, "listen, I know it's none of my buisness what you do, but you should ditch them, they don't understand you and they never will."

I swallow my tears, nodding as I stay silent. He's right, but I didn't want to admit it since that then means being alone. I never want to be one hundred percent alone.

"I think you actually look pretty cool today, no don't look at me like that, I'm serious, you should embrace yourself more." Eddie smiles as he stands up and tucks his pencil behind his ear.

His comment seems genuine, so instead of glaring at him my eyes soften and I give him a small smile. "Thank you I guess." I mumble.

That evening when I get home, the feelings come rushing in. I thought I could stay strong but maybe I was wrong, maybe I wanted to pretend like I didn't care but in reality I do. I put on some of my favourite music and catch myself in the mirror.

Fuck this, why should I hold back who I am just to fit in, I shouldn't have to sacrifice my own happiness for the sake of others.

I grab some scissors off of my desk and take them to the bathroom before carefully giving myself a new haircut. An hour later I finally take in the style, I thought I'd regret it but actually I really love it. Next I plan my outfit for tomorrow, deciding to not back down or chicken out in the morning.

When I go to sleep, I smile at the excitement of a new day.

----------------The Next Day-----------------

As I walk down the corridor everyone's eyes stare at me, I'm convinced one girl asked her friend if I was the same person.

Most avoid my eyes, but some stare as if I've gone mad. Whilst inside I'm slightly embarrassed, the rest of me feels empowered and proud, I'm finally embracing my style and expressing myself.

In class I walk straight past my friends, their jaws drop as I sit next to Eddie, smiling openly at him.

"I like this version of you," Eddie smirks as his eyes scan my face. I huff a laugh and give him a pointed look.

"Why? Don't think I'm doing this for you."

Eddie holds his hands up in a surrender, okay so maybe I'm a little too defensive. "It's because you look happy, it's good seeing you smile."

I relax my shoulders and give him a nod just as the teacher walks in, her eyes widening as she looks at me.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now