Kiss Me Or Leave

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I watch from the wall as Eddie Munson talks to a few girls, usually they'd refuse to go near him, but tonight they're half drunk and in the mood for an adventure I guess. I roll my eyes as one laughs, putting a hand on his arm and smiling up at him, I know exactly what she's looking for, and by the looks of things Eddie's pleased with himself for pulling off such a feat.

"Hey darling, still trying to get over me?" My ex drunkenly coos, wrapping a heavy arm around my shoulders. I try to shrug him off but he's too heavy and keeps moving closer to me.

"I'm already over you, and I definitely know you're already over me considering you've already got a new girl." I spit out, taking a swig from my red solo cup. The alcohol burns my throat but I'm hoping it numbs the feelings I've got, I'm way too emotional right now.

"Nah, she's not anyone, she's not like you." My ex grins, leaning his face down to mine. I push him away, but he backs me into the wall. His hand grabs my cup and throws it over his shoulder, luckily it's empty.

I gasp and bring my knee up between his legs, hitting his most prized possessions. He grunts and steps back, doubling over in pain. A few people look our way but I don't care, all I want is to go home, I don't feel safe and the alcohol is just making things worse. I briefly see Eddie shake his head at the girl as he makes a beeline towards me, but when my eyes flick back to my ex I see a raised hand.

I close my eyes, with nowhere to go I just accept the incoming doom, however his hand never touches me. I open an eye to see Eddie pull my ex away from me, then all of a sudden Eddie throws a punch that sends my ex flying across the room and into the gathered crowd.

I bite back a drunken laugh, then begin to back away towards the door. I'm thankful for Eddie, but there's a reason I don't want to speak to him.

My heeled boots click clack down the pavement, I really didn't think about how I'm going to get home, so walking it is. Streetlights pass as the night air brings goosebumps to my skin. I wrap my arms around myself and walk faster,  feeling on edge.

A van pulls up next to me and for a second I panic, until the passenger door opens and I hear Eddie's voice. "Hey, you shouldn't be walking alone at night."

I frown and wave him off. "It's not like you care," Eddie opens his mouth to speak but the pent up feelings end up tumbling out, "I mean since I started dating people you practically ditched me, I thought we were friends, but I guess not. Maybe you're just sour you can't get a girl."

Eddie just watches me, his face doesn't show any response until he hops out and stalks towards me. I stand my ground as he moves closer and closer, until we're toe to toe. His hand comes up and cups my cheek, and I'm too shocked to move. A part of me deep down as always wanted this.

"Of course I care about you, and trust me, I can get girls, but I don't want any of them. I think you already know that otherwise you wouldn't have been jealous earlier." He murmurs, gazing into my eyes.

My breath catches as his words hit home, he's absolutely right, and I don't know where to go from here. "Kiss me." I whisper, I'm half thankful for the alcohol as I lean towards him, but Eddie shakes his head and smiles gently.

"You're drunk, and you'll regret it." He replies, his eyes look a little sad.

"Kiss me or leave me alone." I mumble again with more confidence, Eddie licks his lips, shuffling closer to we're chest to chest. I close my eyes and tilt my head up, ready for his lips to meet mine.

However I feel him press a featherlight kiss to my cheek, only just brushing the corner of my lips. He leans back and exhales a shaky breath, as if he's holding himself back.

"You've always been a smart ass." I huff as Eddie tugs me to his van.

He throws me a grin. "And you've always been stubborn, get in I'm taking you home."

I nod, feeling deflated and ready for bed. Eddie drives me home as we listen to Dio quietly, his rings tap on the steering wheel until we reach my house.

"Call me tomorrow afternoon since you're probably gonna sleep in, maybe we should hang out like old times." Eddie softly says to me as we sit with the engine still running.

I bite my lip but then nod. "Okay, but you know nothing between us will be like old times now."

Eddie takes a deep breath then gently grabs my hand and kisses the back of it, turning towards me he says "I know. It'll be better."

The corner of my lips tilt into a half smile before I hop out and head to my house. So much has changed between us but maybe this is for the better, maybe we'll finally be honest with each other, maybe he'll actually kiss me like I've always dreamed.

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