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I hum to myself as music blasts through my headphones, I'm so lost in my own world that when Eddie's shoes appear next to me I shriek and whack his legs with my trowel.

"Jesus Christ!" He yells hopping about the garden. I press a hand to my chest and slip off the headphones, setting them aside careful not to get them muddy.

"What are you doing here? I'm pretty sure I just saw the gates of Heaven!" I exclaim with a laugh as Eddie leans down and massages his leg.

"I came to see you, you didn't answer so I thought I'd check around the back." He shrugs, his eyes drift down to my outfit, he raises an eyebrow but doesn't comment on my stained blue jeans and top, gardening really does require sacrifice.

"What're you up to?" He asks with a smile as I stay kneeled on the floor, Eddie sits beside me and plucks up a plant.

"I'm burying the bodies I've been collecting," I sarcastically reply, snatching away the plant and holding it delicately to my chest, "I'm gardening, I've been wanting to plant some flowers and herbs for a while."

Eddie nods and points at the numerous holes I've made in the ground, "You're putting them there?" He asks.

I narrow my eyes looking between the holes and him, then nod. Eddie shakes his head and stands up, observing the garden, he raises a hand to his brow before looking around, the sun obviously in his eyes.

I stand and follow, curious as to what the hell he's doing. "There," Eddie points to a patch near the bottom of the garden, "the herbs will be better there, there's more sunlight there and the mint will thrive."

My eyes widen as I poke Eddie's cheek, he gives me an odd look and swats my hand away playfully, "Since when has my Eddie Munson had a green thumb?" I tease.

Eddie looks uncomfortable for a second until he mumbles "My mom used to love being outside, she'd often teach me how to grow stuff and we'd pick herbs and vegetables together. At least we did until my dad yelled at me for it."

I frown and grab Eddie's hand, giving him an encouraging smile I say "Well he's not here, so you can teach me a few things and help out."

Eddie smiles and presses a kiss to the back of my hand, I pass him the trowel and go to grab the flowers and plants whilst Eddie digs.

After an hour we sit side by side planting the herbs and flowers, Eddie's careful compared to me, I can tell Eddie secretly likes it a lot more than he's trying to let on. Midway through I grab us some glasses of cool lemonade since it's warm outside with some chips, and we sit and snack whilst talking about Eddie's band practice.

"The mint needs as much water as you can give it, but not too much or it'll drown." He explains as the sun begins to set. I nod and look at our handiwork, the garden is full of vibrant flowers and green herbs, all in an order making the whole place look beautiful and lively.

"Thanks for your help, we should garden together more often." I grin as I wrap my arms around Eddie's middle.

He presses a kiss to my temple as he returns the hug. "Yeah, I forgot how peaceful it is, but it's also messy as heck."

I let out a small laugh, looking down at Eddie's once nice white shoes. "I could always hose you down?"

Eddie gives me playful warning look, we both pause until dashing for the hosepipe, laughing and wresting as water sprays everywhere.

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