You Think You're In Control?

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AN: This imagine features a very possessive and dominant side of Eddie♡
I've once again been reading waaay to many dark romance books...

I slip into my dress, enjoying the way it makes me feel seductive and pretty, it's shorter than I'd usually go for, but for once I don't care, I know I just feel confident and ready to let loose at this spring break party.

Eddie walks back into my room just as I'm trying to do the zip up from behind. His eyes roam my legs slowly, he licks his lips as his eyes grow dark, until they meet mine.

"Can you do this up please?" I ask turning around and gesturing to the zip. Eddie slowly approaches me, his fingers gently brush my hair away as he begins to zip me up, his fingers graze my bare skin which sends shivers up my spine, goosebumps raise on my skin moments after as I feel the cool metal of his rings

"Fuck," he mumbles as I turn to face him and smooth out my dress now it hugs my curves more accurately, "You're not wearing that."

My eyebrows knit together in confusion, I look down incase something is wrong, but it looks fine. "Why not?" I innocently ask.

Eddie lets out a breath and runs a hand through his hair as if my look is causing him physical pain. "Because every man who looks at you is going to want to drag you into the nearest closet and fuck you like some cheap date." Eddie deeply says. My eyes widen at his bluntness, I know Eddie can get jealous and possessive, but this is a new level.

"What makes you think that?" I breathily say as Eddie reaches out and trails a finger from my neck to my low neckline.

His eyes meet mine as he simply says "All I want to do right now is lift that little dress of yours and bend you over that desk over there until you scream my name."

My cheeks flame as heat pools below, nevermind feeling hot, I feel like I'm on fire. Since I'm feeling confident, I use his need to my advantage. I walk up to him until my chest meets his, ever so slowly I cup his neck and bring his lips down to mine, not quite touching but I can feel his reaction to me. I open my mouth to kiss him but then suddenly turn my head and press a kiss to his cheek before backing away laughing.

Eddie however gives me a glare, not a menacing one but his eyes tell me he's not impressed with my teasing. All of a sudden he grabs my hands and spins me around as he pushes me to the wall, he presses his front against my ass as he practically growls in my ear. His hands cover mine as they hold above my head, I'm completely at his mercy.

He uses his strength to hold both of my wrists in one of his hands as the other grabs my hips, moving to my front and drawing lazy circles on the lower part of my belly. My legs buckle at his touch so he moves forward to completely squash me against the wall.

"You think you're in control? I don't think so sweetheart, your mine to tease, mine to play with, I don't share." He grumbles. "If you're going to wear that tonight I better leave my mark."

Eddie suddenly clamps his mouth on my neck, sucking and biting harshly on the verge of pain. I moan as he keeps hold, once done he presses a featherlight kiss to the red area before stepping away.

"Perfect," he smirks, staring at the obvious mark. I'm so flustered I don't have words, I'm split between jumping on him and letting him have his way or actually going to this party for however long.

Eddie reaches for his keys in one hand, then his wallet with the other, I know exactly what is inside and what he's implying. He waves both and raises his eyebrows in question, he's giving me a choice.

I snatch the wallet out of his hands, only having enough time to close the door before Eddie picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, taking me to bed.

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