Not An Ink-ling

442 14 1

AN: This was a request but I've adapted it a bit♡

"Hey," Eddie grins as I look up at him from my sketchbook, I look around the school library and see he's alone, so I slip off my headphones and raise an eyebrow in question, lately his small visits have been more frequent and I don't have an inkling as to why.

"So I was thinking maybe we could hang out soon?" He asks perching on the table next to me, he plucks my sketchbook up and flicks through the numerous pages of random drawings.

"You mean you want another tattoo?" I smirk, leaning back in my chair as it squeaks, my arms stretch over my head and I briefly see Eddie's eyes flick to me, a brief emotion crosses his face but I can't dechiper it.

He purses his lips for a second as if to say something, his lips fall a smidge but then his grin comes back and he nods exaggeratedly. "Yeah, sure, I can come over tonight around eight if that's cool?"

I nod, and look around in case anybody is listening, my 'hobby' isn't exactly professional and can get me into trouble if the wrong people find out. "Sure, know what you want?" I ask when the coast is clear.

Eddie puts the sketchbook back on the table and slides it to me with a page full of music related tattoos. "I'll let you decide from one of these." He murmurs, leaning closer to me as he points.

My breath catches at how close he is, but then Eddie hops off of the table and clears this throat. "I guess I'll see you tonight." He mumbles before backing away.

I sigh, wondering why I suddenly felt awkward and nervous around him. I mean, I've known Eddie ages and have done most of his stick and poke tattoos since we were young teens and underage.


Just as I finish setting up the space and equipment in my bedroom, the front door to the trailer knocks. Luckily Eddie knows my parents' work schedule so we plan his tattoos around it so they don't find out.

"Hey stranger, ready to poke me?" Eddie laughs as I open the door. I roll my eyes as I laugh, letting him in as usual.

We head to my bedroom and Eddie perches on my bed whilst I take the desk chair, the ink and needles are already sterilised and set up.

"I, uh, after we spoke I actually designed something for you." I ramble, falling over my words as Eddie's eyes light up. I grab my sketchbook and flick to the recent drawing, it's of Eddie's guitar and some lightening around with a skull.

Eddie grins wider than I've ever seen him as he looks up at me with a twinkle in his eye. "I love it." He whispers, shrugging off his jacket and holding out his arm.

"I'm glad" I reply as I begin to use a pen to draw the design roughly onto Eddie's arm.

"So, how'd you get the details of my guitar so perfect, you've come to what, like two shows?" Eddie muses as I lean over him.

A small blush creeps up my cheeks as I stiffen. "Actually I've been at the Hideout whilst you were playing a lot," I realise it seems stalkerish so I lie and add "Not on purpose, just coincidence."

Eddie makes a noise of agreement and stays quiet until I'm done.

We then begin the actual stick and poke process, listening to music as I tattoo him. Every so often he'll wince or breathe heavy, so I mutter an apology and ask if he's okay.

It takes a while to tattoo him, and I'm surprised he hasn't tapped out. It's around one in the morning by time we're finished, and I've got to say, it's my best work yet.

"How'd you like it?" I nervously ask after clearing up. Eddie stands in front of the bathroom mirror turning his arm and observing the new ink.

"I..." He leads off, and anxiety rushes through me, until he spins around and wraps his arms around me, squeezing me tightly as I laugh.

"It's fucking perfect Y/N, it's beyond perfect, it's like you know me better than anyone else." He murmurs into my hair.

I shrug as I hug him back, "I hope so, we did grow up together dumbass." I whisper with a massive relieved smile, suddenly feeling the atmosphere change between us.

Eddie leans back, his toes still touch mine as he looks at me with admiration, his eyes dart to my lips as my own lips part.

"You're so pretty, but you're fucking beautiful when you smile at me like that."

"Like what?" I whisper, my voice strained from need.

"Like you want me as much as I want you." He mumbles just before cupping my cheek and moving his mouth to mine, he doesn't kiss me yet though, he brushes his nose against mine as if asking for permission.

One small nod is all it takes from me until his mouth consumes mine in a long overdue kiss, it's passionate and deep and says everything we've both wanted to say for a while.

After some time, we pull away breathless, Eddie laughs lowly as I catch my breath.

"I knew you'd kiss as good as you tattoo." Eddie muses as I grab the cling film amd gently wrap his tattoo, blushing again at the compliment.

"Yeah well I knew you'd kiss as good as you play guitar." I retort.

"Uh huh, well I knew-"

"Alrigjt I get the point." I giggle, grabbing his hand and leading him out of the bathroom.

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