Bringing The Family Together

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AN: I can't believe it's been a whole year today since the finale of S4! What was your favourite Eddie moment?

I think one of mine is the DnD game in episode 1, when we see Eddie playful and happy until it all goes downhill...but it's so hard to choose just one!

I check my outfit one last time in the mirror before I hear a beep outside, grabbing my bag I rush out of the house to see Eddie's van parked at the curb, Eddie himself leans against the drivers door, a grin already on his face as he heads to meet me halfway. He opens his arms as I hug him, breathing in the comforting scent of leather and his cologne, he's only started wearing it since I joked he always stunk of cigarettes.

"Hey beautiful," he murmurs, kissing my head as he pulls away and links our fingers together, "ready to do this?" He asks in a soft tone, his thumb brushes the back of my hand as my heart kicks up speed.

I take a deep breath, "I'm still worried, what if he doesn't like me? What if I say something wrong or act in a way-" I begin to panic, but Eddie gently cups my cheek and leans down to look into my eyes, his wide brown ones like a safe haven as they reassure me.

"I know he's going to love you, if he can put up with me for the last seven years then he'll feel blessed to be around you." Eddie huffs with a small laugh. My lips tilt up as I nod, there's no point backing away now or postponing it longer.

Eddie helps me into the van before hopping in and putting on a playlist we made together a few weeks ago, I nervously pick at my cuticles as we head to the trailer park, my nerves growing more and more until we arrive, by then my hands are practically a pond with how much they're sweating.

I get out and follow Eddie to the door, my cheeks already flaming up as I think of what to say. Eddie gives me one last wink before opening the door and gesturing for me to go in. I've been at Eddie's trailer a few times before, but never with Wayne, this was our first time meeting.

"Hello." I squeak at Wayne who stands up from the couch, he looks me up and down and for a second I'm ready to bolt, but then his lips grow and he smiles, stepping forward to hug me. I stiffen at first, the unexpected contact a shock, but then I pat his back awkwardly before Wayne pulls away and playfully whacks Eddie's shoulder.

"I already know she's too good for you kid." Wayne teases, I smile as he gestures for us to sit down on the couch, and I notice a big box of KFC on the coffee table. Ironically it's my favourite, Eddie must've told Wayne or planned this.

"Dig in, I've got work early so I'm afraid I can't talk the whole night," Wayne apologises, I wave him off as Eddie piles up a plate for himself, already chomping on a strip of chicken.

"That's fine, thank you so much for the food." I politely say, beginning to shakily put some food on my plate.

Wayne asks me a few general questions about my life and plans, and I answer truthfully as Eddie smiles proudly at me. We all eat and talk about different things, and my nerves ease as Wayne jokes about Eddie's childhood and some embarrassing memories, Wayne and I laugh as Eddie tickles me and toys with my fingers, always touching me and squeezing as he silently checks up on me.

Hours pass of us talking until the food is gone and Wayne's a few beers in. Eddie and I snuggle on the couch, his arm around my shoulders as Wayne lets out a yawn and stretches.

"It's been real good meeting you Y/N, I'm glad you make my nephew happy, you're a great fit and I'd be happy to have you around here more often." Wayne mumbles, standing up and holding out a hand. I stand up and take his hand as he shakes it, tears form in his eyes as I glance at Eddie who hides a smirk and pulls me away.

"Thank you, Eddie's lucky to have you." I reply. Eddie's eyes dart between Wayne and I, full of happiness and love.

"Kid, you better marry this woman some day before someone else can, she's as good as it gets." Wayne slurs more, Eddie nods as he grabs my hand. I grab my bag and step outside as Eddie locks the door behind him and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a lighter and a cigarette. He lights it up and takes drag as he sits on the steps, I follow and sit beside him, leaning my head on his shoulder as a wave of tiredness washes over me.

"How're you feeling? Did it go well?" Eddie asks me, letting out a plume of smoke as I nod.

"Yeah, it went better than I thought, Wayne's great and I'm glad you've got him, it's a bonus he likes me." I murmur, picking at some long grass. Eddie smiles as he flicks his cigarette away and stands up, holding out a hand for me.

I take it as Eddie leans down and presses a kiss to my lips, smiling as he mumbles "I knew he would, he's probably sick of hearing me talk about you all the time."

I roll my eyes playfully before Eddie wraps his arms around me and spins me around, I shriek and cling on to him as he carries me to the van, opening the door and putting me in the passenger seat, my legs hang out as Eddie stands between them, cupping my face as he peppers me with light kisses.

"Wayne's right, one day I'm gonna marry you and we're gonna have the best lives ever." Eddie murmurs, kissing me one last time before getting in the van and driving me home, his hand on my thigh as we sing along to our playlist.

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