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"Dustin has a cat, why can't I get one?" Eddie whines as I sit on the couch, attempting to watch a movie. With a heavy sigh I press pause and turn to him.

"Correction, Dustin's mom has a cat. Also, you probably wouldn't look after a cat, and I know Wayne will be pissed about all the cat hair around the trailer." I shrug, earning a frown from Eddie. He crosses his arms like a child and slumps back in defeat, feeling guilty a plan begins to form.

"What about this," I suggest as Eddie suddenly sits up straight and stares at me with hopeful eyes, "I get you a hamster and if you're able to keep it alive for a few months I'll consider getting you a cat for your birthday?"

Eddie ponders the idea, I can see the cogs working as he sticks his tongue out of his lips slightly, he then clicks his fingers and nods. "Deal. But it's name is Pipsqueak."

I blink at him for a few seconds then nod, I imagine I'll be having to give the hamster to the Wheelers within a week anyway so it doesn't matter.

The next day we head to the pet store, Eddie insists on looking at all the animals, pointing them out to me and asking if we should adopt it. As usual I shake my head and show him the hamsters, his eyes light up as he spots a white and ginger fluffy one sleeping upside down.

"That's Pipsqueak." Eddie says seriously, pointing at it. I hold back a smile, and talk to a member of staff, we go buy the tank and things for it before bringing the hamster home in a box, the whole van ride was chaotic since all Eddie wanted to do was check up on sir Pipsqueak, we almost drove into threw bushes.

I help Eddie set up the tank on his desk near his bed, Eddie releases Pipsqueak into his new home and strokes his head, surprisingly Pipsqueak just sniffs his finger and begins rolling about.

For the next few days Eddie is obsessed with hamster, constantly checking up on the animal and holding it, I'm pretty sure he's tried putting it in his pocket and taking it to school until Pipsqueak began chewing his denim jacket.

Exactly a week later, I lie with Eddie on his bed reading a book. Tonight us our usual sleepover night, but already Pipsqueak is taking up the attention, Eddie lies beside me with the hamster on his chest, his ringed fingers gently stroke the animal as he mumbles to it.

"I'm tired, can we turn the light off now?" I huff, hating how jealous I am over a rodent. Eddie pouts but nods, setting Pipsqueak back into his tank before slipping in bed and draping an arm over my waist, usually I'd turn around to face him, but tonight I turn away, too angry to look at his stupid handsome face.

What must be a few hours later I wake up to a massive bang. Shooting up in bed with Eddie following suit, I turn on the light to see the tanks lid on the floor. Eddie gasps and dashes to the tank, looking frantically for Pipsqueak. "He's gone!"

A small part of me is glad, but the distress of Eddie's face makes me feel guilty for being jealous so I help Eddie begin to look for him, though the chances of finding him are slim. We search under every piece of furniture, I begin searching the kitchen as I hear Eddie practically rip his room apart, calling for Pipsqueak.

I can't find him anywhere, so I go back to Eddie who is still desperately calling for the hamster. "Eddie, he's not a dog, he won't just come out-" I begin, turning around to face the tank, and low and beyond, there's Pipsqueak sitting right on the lid staring at me with his beady brown eyes.

"Pipsqueak!" Eddie grins, rushing to the hamster and scooping it up. A sigh of relief escapes me and I no longer feel jealous, I get that this hamster means a lot to him, and I'm glad he'll be satisfied with this for a few years, because if this is how he is with a hamster, I can't imagine how he'll be with a cat.

Eddie walks over to me and presses the hamsters face to mine, I stare until its whiskers tickle my cheek and I smile, kissing its little head. Eddie smiles and gently puts Pipsqueak back, setting some books on the lid so it can't escape again.

"I know you're jealous of him." Eddie mumbles as I begin tidying up his room, I'm not tired despite it being around 2 in the morning.

I splutter, "I-I'm not jealous, he just seems to get all the attention now."

Eddie shakes his head ruefully and takes my hand in his, kissing the top of it. "You're still my number one, if you were a hamster I'd love you just the same."

I laugh and reach up on my toes, kissing him gently before pulling him onto the bed, straddling him I begin to kiss his neck, coaxing a groan from Eddie as his arms encircle me. "Pipsqueak is watching us." Eddie murmurs, bucking his hips against me.

Really? With a sigh I crawl off of him and lie on my back, now the hamster has ruined our intimacy too.

Suddenly Eddie rolls onto me and begins reaching for my pyjamas desperately, "I'm sure he'll look away." Eddie chuckles as he kisses me passionately, igniting that fire between us once again.

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