Lure Him Out

481 16 2

TW: Kidnapping, violence

I feel someone watching me, goosebumps raise on my arms as I speed up walking down the road, heading home after visiting my boyfriend Eddie at the boathouse where he's hiding. I try to not look as panicked as I feel, but when a shadow steps out from the streetlight my plan fails and I freeze. I spin around, my fight or flight instincts kick in as I clench my fists.

"You shouldn't be alone when it's dark, especially not with murderers and cultists around." Jason calls out, as he steps closer to me I see his eyes are rimmed with red, as if he's been drinking or crying. Probably both, I mean his girlfriend has just...died.

I square my shoulders, my heart beating way too fast as I fake a smile, I step back slowly and Jason narrows his eyes. "You're right, I should get home," I say with a shaky voice, I've never been good at hiding my fear.

Jason looks away as he rubs a hand over his face, "No, I'm sorry but I can't let you do that, your boyfriend killed the love of my life, and now I've gotta return the favour, or lure him out so I can kill the bastard myself."

My eyes widen as Jason launches forward, his hand clamps around my body, holding my arms as his other hand covers my mouth to muffle my screams. I wriggle trying to get free but he ties my wrists together with something, his other hand then comes up and pinches my nose so I can't breathe.

I've never felt so scared, and I can't even fight back. Darkness blurs my vision as my limbs feel lighter, and the last thing I hear is "I really am sorry about this Y/N"

    -----------Some Time Later----------

A sudden splash of cold water wakes me up. I gasp for air, sitting up as grogginess washes over my body. I look around noticing it's dark, there's empty beer cans everywhere, the windows are bordered up, the only light comes from a series of lamps set up around the place.

"You awake?" Jason mumbles, crouching in front of me and forcefully grabbing my chin.

The pressure makes my eyes water but I meet his eyes anyway, lifting my chin in defiance. "He won't know where I am, he probably won't even know I've gone missing."

Jason gives me a disapproving look, "I sent a message to to his little friend Henderson, I'm sure it'll reach the freak just fine."

How dare Jason pull Dustin into this? I don't even think, I throw my head forward, my forehead collides with Jason's nose and he shouts, holding the blood pouring from his nostrils for a second before his hand comes out and smacks me across the face.

My whole body jerks to the wall, colliding harshly. I taste blood in my mouth, so I swallow it down and keep quiet.

Jason stares at me, then walks away into the darkness, leaving me to be alone with my fear and my thoughts for a couple of hours.

I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I know Jason's by my side, hauling me up with a gun to my head. My body immediately begins to tremble from fear, my eyes dart around to find some way out of this, but my hands are tied and there's no hope. 

"Come on in freak, unless you want me to kill her?" Jason calls out, the door suddenly opens and a dishevelled Eddie stands there looking panicked and ready to murder. Eddie's eyes immediately find mine, he scans my face and body, his fists clench as soon as he sees my injuries. 

"Let her go and you can do whatever you want with me" Eddie says stepping forward, holding his hands out in a surrender. I make a small noise in argument, but Eddie ignores me. Jason huffs a sarcastic laugh, shaking his head as his grip on me tightens. 

"I'm not doing that, I was, but not now. You ki- You killed Chrissy and now I'm gonna return the favour." Jason snarls, his voice breaking as the gun clicks. Eddie doesn't hesitate, he lurches forward and tackles Jason to the ground as I roll away.

The gun fires at the ceiling before clattering across the room. Whilst Eddie and Jason roll about punching each other I scramble for the gun, my finger just reach it before hands grab my ankles and yank me backwards away from it. 

"No!" I scream, kicking out and hearing an 'oomf' from Jason. With all my might I reach the gun and roll onto my back, pointing it at him as he stands above me, I notice a bloody Eddie sitting up, his nose streams with blood. 

"We're going, and you're turning yourself in for this." I deeply say as menacingly as I can, but Jason smiles shaking his head. I'm hurt and not in my right mind, so I point the gun at his foot and pull the trigger. 

Jason screams as the bullet makes contact before he falls clutching his bloody shoe. Eddie doesn't give any reaction, he just stands up and grabs Jason's collar before knocking him unconscious with a right hook. Eddie then walks over to me, crouching down and taking the gun from my shaking hands. His arm slips under my legs as he lifts me up, carrying me out of the door as my world crashes down. 

"You're okay now, I'm sorry, shhhh." Eddie murmurs as tears fall down my face, he places me into the passenger seat of his van before hopping in and driving away back to Rick's.

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