Love Works Both Ways Dumbass

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"Go! Go! Go!" Eddie shouts to me and Dustin as the demobats force their way into the trailer through the vents, their screeches make me wince but I have no time to react as I follow Dustin up the makeshift rope, Eddie's hands push me up to go faster.

Once safe in the normal Hawkins, I look up to see Eddie pause, my mind instantly shuts down as he looks between me and the bats. My eyes tear up as I already know what he's thinking, I mean I'd do the same if the stupid man had gone before me.

"Y/N, I've gotta buy the others more time," Eddie begins softly, I shake my head as my eyes fill with tears, beside me Dustin shouts over Eddie, refusing to let him do this. "I know we haven't had long together, but I don't wanna leave without telling you how much I love you, shit I love you so godamn much." Eddie looks up at Dustin who is crying beside me, "Hey Henderson, look after my girl for me, yeah?"

Without another word Eddie charges through the door shouting, the bats follow and all goes silent. "Fuck this," I say between gritted teeth, grabbing a chair roughly, I stand on it and jump, only just catching the edges of the gate.

"How am I going to get up?" Dustin asks me with determination as I begin to pull myself up with much effort. I grunt and give him a sad look. "You're not."

With that I fall through the gate, landing on the floor with a thud. Everything hurts, and I'm pretty sure my arm is broken, but I fight through the pain as the vague noise of bats fills the sky outside.

I grab Dustin's discarded weapon and rush outside, looking in the distance to see Eddie fighting off a whole flock of bats, one swoops down and grabs hold of him, so I immediately sprint into action, leaping over vines and trash to reach him.

Eddie shouts in pain but manages to peel it off, stamping on it seconds before another bat joins the hunt. "On your right!" I scream, Eddie's face flashes with shock just as the bat takes a bite of his shoulder. He drops his shield and falls to his knees as more bats attack.

I reach him just in time to begin clawing the bats off, earning myself lots of scratches and bites, but adrenaline keeps me from feeling the pain too much. I hack and slash the bats as gore flies everywhere, Eddie attempts to help defend us but it appears he's too weak to do so. All of a sudden, my weapon breaks and the spear falls to the ground in shattered parts. "No" I whisper, the bats continue to screech around us, like a demonic halo.

Eddie, still on his knees, wraps an arm around me and uses his body to try and protect me, bringing me closer to the ground as we're swarmed. "Why'd you come back?" Eddie hisses quickly.

"Because love works both ways dumbass!" I snap back, my hands fist his jacket as I pull him to me and I crash my lips to his in one final act of true love...


"We've gotta help her! Come on sweetheart, open those eyes for me. COME ON!" I hear Eddie panic.

As if waking from sleep, my eyes flutter open, but everything hurts. Lots. I try to lift my head but I'm too weak, and I feel tears fall down my face. I look up to see the familiar red sky of the Upside Down, so we're still here then.


Eddie leans over me, blood covers his face and body but he doesn't seem to be in any near death shape. His hand cups my cheek as his tears stream, I've never seen him so upset before.

"Vecna?" I manage to gasp out. Eddie smiles at me as he replies "Dead." I nod, glad it's all finally over.

Since it's been a few minutes my body gradually becomes less stiff, I turn my head to see the others crouched around me, they look how I feel. Robin gives me a small wave as Steve has his arm around Nancy who still looks like she's on a mission.

Eddie carefully lifts me up, apologising profusely when I let out a noise of pain. "I'm sorry, we've gotta get you out, I know I'm trying to be careful."

After much hard work and some serious  pain, we all make it out in one piece. Eddie, after a heated arguement, heads to Hoppers cabin with Robin and Steve as Nancy takes me to the hospital.

We have a plan to clear Eddie's name, and in a few days everything can finally go back to how they were.

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