Neighbouring Windows

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AN: In this imagine the reader smokes cigarettes

It's almost like a ritual at this point.
Everyday at 9PM I walk to the window of my trailer, the one that faces Eddie's bedroom window, and I crack it open to have a cigarette. Eddie usually is pacing about in his room either with his guitar or with a book, we always notice each other and wave, sometimes we'll talk as quietly as possible across the small patch of lawn that separates us.

Tonight however, Eddie is nowhere to be seen. I lean as far out as possible, taking a deep drag on my cigarette to prevent my parents from knowing, so far so good but one can never be too cautious. My eyes squint into Eddie's window, it's odd because his lights are on and his van is outside. I look down for a brief second, as soon as my eyes lift I get a glimpse of Eddie walk past.

I didn't just see that. Did I?

Eddie steps into view, his long curly hair is dripping wet, and all he's wearing is a white towel wrapped around his waist. My eyes trail down his body, soaking him up inch by inch. His tattoos contrast his fairly pale skin, and I have to peel my eyes upwards before I can observe anything else lower.

When my eyes finally reach his face, shock and embarrassment run through me, especially when I find that his brown eyes are already connected with mine. Eddie's mouth tilts into a smirk as he winks at me. In a hurry I quickly dab out the cigarette and throw it out of the window, then I throw myself to the floor all in the space of a few seconds.

I'm sure I can hear Eddie's laughter from down on the floor, where I've brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around myself. Oh my God I must seem so gullible. In the space of two years of Eddie and I being neighbours, it's odd that this is a first.

Does that mean he's seen me getting changed too?

For some reason the thought sends a wave of heat through me rather than anxiety.

I contemplate moving across the country or pretending that I'm suddenly blind when a knock sounds from above me. I reach up and peek my head just above the window to make immediate eye contact with Eddie who is looking down at me, now fully dressed.

I stand up, plastering on a smile as I wave a hand, he climbs onto the trashcan like before as he slips through the gap in the window with little effort.


"Hey" I reply, avoiding his eyes as I stare at the wall next to him.

"You seem...startled." Eddie mumbles as he takes a step towards me.

I let out a burst of laughter, clamping my hand over my mouth in awkwardness. "Me? No, no of course not. I'm just...."

"Ah, so you're turned on then?" Eddie smirks, titling his head playfully as I blush deeper.

"I am not, I just didn't want to see you naked this evening!" I exclaim. Eddie quirks up an eyebrow and steps even closer towards me, my back hits the wall as his toes meet mine.

"I'm like 99% sure you've thought about me naked." Eddie whispers deeply, his hand reaches out as his finger traces my bottom lip.

"So have you. Thought about me." I add, feeling suddenly out of breath.

Eddie's mouth twitches. "Maybe," he murmurs, his lips dart to my mouth.

My breath picks up as my eyes half close, waiting to see if Eddie will kiss me.

He doesn't.

Eddie backs away with a chuckle, "I know your parents are home so we better not, but you're always welcome to come over when Wayne's gone."

My eyes widen as Eddie throws me a grin and slips back outside, causally strutting back to his trailer.

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