Handcuffs and Heartbeats SMUT

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I finish brushing my teeth, then walk out of the bathroom to Eddie's room, straightening out my new lace pyjama set. Admittedly they're something I wouldn't normally go for, but I was feeling a little confident when I packed my bag this morning, ready for mine and Eddie's weekend together.

"Ta-da!" I nervously laugh as I stop at Eddie's doorway, he looks up from his magazine, his eyes widening as they trail ever so slowly from my head to my toes. His mouth parts and I notice he adjusts his pyjama pants.

"Come here," he murmurs, beckoning me closer with a single ringed finger, his hand reaches under the mattress for something but he hides it behind his back.

I slowly walk to him, standing between his legs as I cup his face between my hands. "I've got something, but I need to know if you trust me?" Eddie murmurs, looking up at me with a look of lust and question.

I nod repeatedly. "Of course, I think I'm ready to try something new." I reply with sincerity.

Eddie smirks as I climb onto him, straddling his waist as he kisses my neck. I close my eyes, craning my neck to the side to give him more access, when I suddenly feel something cold wrap around my wrists, I look down and stare. Eddie's handcuffed my hands together with actual handcuffs.

"This okay?" He mumbles, rolling us over so he's on top. I nod and give him a small smile, "Just go slow, I've never done this kind of thing before."

"I'll be careful, I promise. If things get too much or you feel uncomfortable, say the word Dragon and I'll stop, alright?" He murmurs, his ringed hand already pushes up my top.

"Okay" I sigh, feeling Eddie's hand reach my bare nippes, the cold air mixed with my excitement makes them hard. Eddie squeezes one gently between his thumb and finger, coaxing a gasp from me. His other hand holds both of my wrists above my head, I can't move them and I really like it.

"You're so fucking perfect." Eddie whispers in my ear as his hand leaves my nipple, heading lower to pull down my shorts. I'm naked from the waist down, Eddie looks at me with a smirk for a second before his fingers gently brush my opening.

I moan, titling my hips up to force them inside of me, but Eddie "hmms" before shoving two fingers inside of me. "Fuck" I gasp as he brings them in and out, finger fucking me at a rapid pace.

Just as I feel like I'm on the edge, Eddie retracts his fingers and puts them in his mouth, sucking whilst staring into my eyes.

"Oh my God." I murmur, the sight alone is enough to make me reach oblivion. Eddie tugs down his pyjamas, letting himself spring free.

My eyes watch as he pumps himself a few times, his eyes half shut as his mouth parts. "Eddie," I squirm, his hand still holds my wrists above my head so I'm at his mercy, "please."

Eddie looks at me and quirks an eyebrow, "You don't wanna wait any longer?" He teases, lining himself up against my entrance.

I shake my head, my cheeks flushed from my almost orgasm. "I need you inside of me." I whimper, opening my legs more.

Thankfully, Eddie's not as teasing as he usually is. He thrusts himself inside of me to the point of pain. I let out a mix of a moan and a whimper as my eyes fill with tears. Fuck, I forgot how big he is.

Eddie leans down to my chest, kissing my tears as he slams in and out of me, the sound of our heavy breaths and skin slapping fills the room. "Fuck, you feel so good sweetheart." Eddie groans into my ear.

I wrap my legs around him as he slows down, pulling out slowly before slamming back into me deeply. I bite my lip to hold back a scream, my hands clench.

"Don't hold back tonight, we're all alone, let me hear those pretty noises." Eddie murmurs deeply. I look into his eyes for a second, debating whether to or not, but Eddie gives me no choice, he leans down and sucks my nipper just as he thrusts into me.

I scream out his name, feeling an orgasm close. "Eddie, keep going." I manage to babble out.

He nods, groaning as his thursts become sloppy. Seconds pass until my eyes roll back and Eddie kisses my lips to quieten my scream. He groans into my mouth, a mix of gasps and moans. We come together, both of us shaking and sweaty.

Eddie stays inside of me for a moment after, leaning his forehead against mine as we catch our breaths.

"You okay, need anything?" He whispers breathily.

I shake my head but then pause, "Maybe a towel." I smile. Eddie grins and presses one last kiss to my lips before sliding out of me. He unlocks the handcuffs and I wiggle my fingers, bringing my hands up and massaging my wrists.

Eddie comes back with a towel, wiping me up gently before throwing it over his shoulder into the laundry basket. He smiles at me but then stops, I sit up and look at him in question, but he tugs my wrists towards him.

"You've got marks, does it hurt?" He softly asks. I didn't even realise, I shake my head as he presses kisses to my wrists.

"You did such a good job, I love you."

I lean forward and kiss his cheek, "I love you too" Eddie gets up and comes back a second later with a bag of frozen peas.

"I'm not really in the mood for snacks right now." I laugh as Eddie softly taps my nose, his arm brings me to his chest as we sit against the headboard of his bed.

"As much as I love seeing my mark on you, I don't want these to bruise too bad." He says, holding the peas to my wrists. I lean my head against his shoulder, sighing happily as we snuggle.

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