I Know Someone... PT 2

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AN: It's required to read part one before reading this part♡

After a short drive we both finally arrive at Eddie's trailer, it's just like I remember, kind of run down but still homely, and still messy.

"Ignore the trash, I forgot to pay the family of raccoons to come take it all away." Eddie jokes as he closes the door behind me. I smile and roll my eyes, throwing my bag on the floor before reaching up and wrapping my arms around his neck, Eddie smirks as his nose nuzzles mine, then he finally presses his lips to mine.

"I've missed you so much, next time don't leave it so long before you come go visit me." He murmurs between the kiss, I nod, grinning his neck harder to deepen the kiss.

"I've been studying, those papers won't get As on their own." I whisper just as Eddie's hands find my ass, he lifts me up so I wrap my legs around his waist, whimpering as he pulls his lips away from mine just for them to target my neck.

"Eddie, let's go-" my moan is cut short as the telephone rings. Eddie gives me a confused look before letting me down and sighing, he walks to the kitchen before answering it, giving me a wink as I slowly approach him to be nosy and listen in to the conversation.

"Yeah....Yeah alright....no Henderson not now....yes she's here....what! Don't even go there....fine..." Eddie gives me a look then passes the phone to me. With a smile I balance the phone between my ear and shoulder as Eddie's hands grab my hips teasingly.

"Hey Dustin, what's up?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at Eddie as he smirks.

"Hey, so Hellfire is meeting at the Palace Arcade tomorrow, fancy coming along, with Eddie of course." He says quietly, as if he's not supposed to be on the phone this late. It's hard to remember that he's only 15, he's such a mature kid, kinda.

"Yeah we'll be there. In the afternoon though, I mean I am here to see Eddie after all." I reply before Eddie plucks the phone from me and mumbles a goodbye to Dustin then slams the phone on the reciever.

"I told you the gang likes you more than me." Eddie sighs, running a hand through his hair as he grabs my hand and leads me to his room.

I hold back a grin, "I didn't think so earlier, but maybe you're right, maybe they'll abandon you and decide I'm soooo much cooler-" Eddie interrupts me by pulling me down onto his lap as he sits on the edge of his bed.

"Let's finish what we started earlier, huh sweetheart?" Eddie deeply says, his mouth already reaching for mine, but I gently push him away and stand up, I look down to see Eddie practically pouting at me, his brows knitted together as I tap his nose with my finger.

"Not yet Romeo, I want to get changed." I say, already heading out of the doorway to grab my bag.

"Sweetheart, I thought we were trying to undress each other, not put on more clothes." Eddie calls out as I rummage through my bag.

Shit. In my rush to get to Hawkins I forgot to pack pyjamas.

I head back to Eddie's room to find him lounging on the bed, his elbow propping him up. "I forgot my pyjamas, can I borrow something of yours?"

Eddie nods, he gets up and grabs a spare Hellfire tee from his dresser, throwing it at me. I smile and begin to undress, it's not like Eddie hasn't seen me in less before. The tee falls to just above my knees, but luckily it's warm so I'm not freezing my ass off.

I turn around to see Eddie's eyes trailing my body slowly, his mouth practically waters at the sight of my bare legs. He beckons a single ringed finger so I roll my eyes but go to him anyway, sitting next to him on the bed. "You owe me a date mister." I say waggling my eyebrows.

Eddie laughs and spreads his arms wide, "Not a lot is open right now."

I shrug a shoulder, "We don't have to go anywhere, come on make something up."

Eddie runs a hand through his hair for a few seconds then nods. All of a sudden he gets up and disappears for a minute before coming back with a two cans of beer and a pack of chocolate chip cookies.

Eddie clicks open the beer for me before passing it, I nod a thanks and take a sip then reach for a cookie, nibbling it as Eddie downs half of his beer then sets it aside. He then grabs his guitar from the wall and strums a bit, I tilt my head in question.

"Welcome to your personal curated concert, any requests?" He asks with a grin.

Smiling I lean back into the pillows and give Eddie a song, so he bows before playing it, I nod my head along as Eddie plays, as usual he doesn't miss a single note, and even improvises at times. My man has so much talent, I fucking love him.

After a few song and the beer cans are empty I get up and dance around with Eddie, singing along as we jam out together. It truly is an awesome time, especially when Eddie stands on the bed and sings to me. I laugh and after some time we finally calm down, Eddie puts his guitar back and grabs my waist, pulling me to him as he plants a massive deep kiss on my lips.

I push him back on the bed as he grabs the tee and pulls it over my head, I reach for his belt whilst straddling him, pushing him so he's on his back.

You know what happens next...

Afterwards I lie on his chest, my finger traces his tattoos as his arm rests around me, keeping me close to him.

"I wish you lived in Hawkins." Eddie sleepy mumbles as he presses a kiss to the top of my head.

"Don't worry, soon enough every day will be like this. Just a few more months." I yawn, adjusting my leg so it's hooked over his. Eddie nods as his hand begins to rub my back, lulling me into a deep sleep.

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