Hurting and Healing

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Eddie's arms wrap around my middle as I perch in his lap, the school cafeteria is pretty empty today since it's sunny outside and everyone sits in the field to eat lunch so I feel more comfortable with the public affection.

"What movie should we watch tonight?" I ask Eddie, happily swinging my legs as he snacks on some pretzels. He passes and I can feel him tense up.

"Uh, actually it's best if you don't come over tonight..." Eddie leads off, suddenly looking glum. Dustin gives Eddie a look as if to ask if he's okay, but Eddie just gives him a fake smile and turns back to me. "My dad's coming over."

My mouth drops to the floor, I immediately frown as I grab his arm and unwrap it from my body. "That's a big deal, why didn't you tell me before?" I quietly exclaim.

Eddie licks his lips nervously as he shrugs, "I was just embarrassed, you know how how much I hate him. Plus I don't want you around when he's there, he's an asshole and you're too good to be around a piece of shit like him." Eddie mumbles, suddenly angry.

I cup his cheek as I release a breath. "Alright, are you sure you'll be okay with him? I don't mind keeping you company whilst he's there." I smile. Eddie's hand covers mine as he shakes his head, leaning his mouth towards mine.

"It's okay, I can handle it." He deeply mumbles before pressing his lips to mine.

In the background the Hellfire Club all make gagging noises and I briefly hear Dustin say "That's my lunch ruined."

Before the end of lunch I tell Eddie to call me after his dad has left as I hop off of his lap and head to class, already anxious about tonight.


Usually on Friday nights Eddie and I would rent a few movies from Family Video after Hellfire Club and spend the night together, but tonight I'm sat on my couch alone, with only the company of a bowl of popcorn. I eat it anxiously, often looking at the clock and watching the minutes pass.

Just before halfway through my second movie the doorbell rings so I pause the video and go answer the door,not expecting anything of it.

I gasp as soon as I see Eddie holding his ribs, he has a huge cut on his lip and a bruise is forming on his cheek. Straight away I grab his hand and drag him in, gently pushing him on the sofa as I grab a bag of frozen peas and the first aid kit from the kitchen.

I crouch between his legs as his head hangs low, he's yet to say a single word. "I'm guessing things with your dad didn't go well?" I quietly say, gently passing him the peas which he holds to his cheek.

Eddie scoffs, "Actually it was alright at first, he asked about school and if I had a girlfriend yet, we talked for a while until he brought up Wayne,"

I frown as I lean forward, listening intently whilst dabbing at Eddie's lip. Once I'm done he continues talking, "He said some shit about Wayne and that's when it went bad. I mean, Wayne is more of a dad than anyone else has ever been."

I put my hand over Eddie's, squeezing as I nod. "Wayne is the only one you need, your dad's a narcissistic asshole who has no idea how amazing his own son is."

Eddie's lips quirk into a smile as he beckons me closer with a finger, I lean up and kiss him carefully, but Eddie's arm snakes around my back and pulls me into his lap, he deepens the kiss but I pull away as he grimaces.

"Shit," Eddie curses holding his ribs.

"Should we go to the hospital?" I worriedly ask, but Eddie shakes his head and lets out a long sigh.

"It's just bruised, I'll be alright sweetheart." He murmurs as I climb off of his lap and pull my blanket over him. Eddie lies down with a grunt, his head rests on my lap as I stroke his hair, my fingers careful to avoid getting caught in the knots from his curls.

I press play on the movie and we both watch the rest in silence, but within minutes Eddie's light snores sound from below me, with a smile I lean back and close my eyes, my hand stills on Eddie's head as if I'm protecting him from the world.

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