Better Than I Know Myself

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"Gareth," Eddie calls out over the loud crowd, "Look after my girl for a sec, I'm going to get a drink."

Gareth nods as Eddie leans in and pecks my cheek before getting up and leaving the table. I watch as he beelines through the crowd to head to the bar. The Hideout is packed tonight, and I'm kind of glad for once Corroded Coffin performed first.

The band begin talking to each other across the table, laughing as they all sip their drinks, but I'm not really paying attention, my eyes are glued to Eddie who leans against the bar, looking as hot as he possibly can with his hair all curled from the humidity.

I frown as I see a girl saddle up to him, she says something and he laughs. I take a deep breath, it's nothing, Eddie's allowed to talk to girls, it's fine, I mean he has fans and friends, but this girl isn't just talking, I can tell she's flirting.

I grab my drink and take a deep swig, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, the band continues to talk to each other but then I feel a hand on my arm. I turn to see Gareth looking between me and Eddie, a look of understanding crosses his face.

"So that's why you look like you're ready to murder someone." He chuckles. I scoff and lean back, turning away from the girl and Eddie, I trust him to not do anything he shouldn't.

I cross my arms as Gareth smiles at me, he shakes his head and looks away momentarily before softy saying "You know, Eddie talks about you all the time."

I pull a face of disbelief, waving it off as I sip more of my drink. Gareth nods exaggeratedly and leans closer in a friendly way, "Really, the dude is obsessed with you, everything we do Eddie always mentions you, sometimes he even asks us for advice, I don't know why because he knows he's the only one with a girlfriend."

I smile, nudging Gareth with my shoulder. I'm glad we've built a friendship. "You'll find someone, girls love a drummer."

Gareth's face lights up as he nods mostly to himself then he turns back to the band. I look back at the bar but can't see Eddie, though I do see the girl now leaning against another dude.

"Sorry I took so long," Eddie mumbles slipping into the seat next to me as he sets his beer down. I give him a small smile but he frowns, sensing something is wrong. "Something happen?" He worriedly asks, giving Gareth a glare.

Gareth looks worried, so I shake my head and wrap my arm around Eddie's, hugging him close to me. "You're my favourite human." I mumble.

Eddie chuckles and untangles his arm from me so he can rest it around my shoulders. I lean into him, my head lolls against his shoulder. Eddie leans down, deeply murmuring into my ear "Tell me what's wrong?"

I shake my head so he sighs and squeezes me closer. He's quiet for a second until he "Ahhs" in understanding. "You saw that girl? Jealous?"

I nod once, embarrassed to admit it. Eddie kisses the side of my head as his other hand grabs my legs and pulls them over his. "My darling sweetheart," he coos softly, "You're the only one for me, you know me better than I know myself."

I look up into his loving eyes, and believe him. Coincidentally the girl takes a seat at the table near ours, even though she's sat with some other people, her eyes are still on Eddie.

Feeling more confident, I look her in the eyes before reaching up and cupping Eddie's face between my hands and kissing him deeply. He groans as my hand travels to the back of his neck, pulling him down to me as I then dig my hand into his hair.

He pulls away after a minute, chuckling as I lean up for more, but he presses a ringed finger to my lips. "Anymore and we're gonna have to leave early sweetheart."

I smirk, seeing that the girl is gone and I know I've staked my territory. "That's adorable." Eddie laughs, gently tapping my nose before joining in the conversation with the band.

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