I'll Sleep Anywhere

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I pack my essentials as fast as I can, I've never done this before but I've reached breaking point after that terrible argument with my mother, we both said some awful things and the thought of speaking to her again so soon makes me sick with worry and anger.

I head downstairs, my dad sighs and turns away without another word, he either doesn't want to get involved or thinks I'm doing the right thing, either way he's not exactly being supportive.

With my backpack slung over my shoulder, I begin my trek to the trailer park. This could all be for nothing, the 45 minute walk could be pointless if Eddie refuses to take me in, then I'd have to find someone else. The sun is already setting and I have no money, I'm screwed and want to scream.

Finally once it gets dark I reach the trailer park, my legs ache as I knock on Eddie's door hesitantly, feeling stupid but knowing this is my only refuge, I wait for him to answer.

Eddie opens the door, his eyes scan me head to toe and almost immediately his face fills with concern. "What's happened?" He asks.

I'm not ready to talk about it yet, so I shake my head and avoid the question. "Is it alright if I stay over? I'll sleep anywhere, I don't want to disturb you or Wayne." I softly mumble, that's all the energy I have right now.

Eddie nods and invites me in, leading me to his room which I've hung out in many times before, we've been friends for a few years. "You can take the bed- don't argue- I'll sleep on the floor." He says, giving me a small smile.

It doesn't do anything to comfort me. "Thank you." I whisper as my lip trembles, shit I'm losing my composure. Eddie's smile drops and as soon as I notice it I just lose it, standing there as I begin to cry.

Eddie wastes no time wrapping his arms around me, sitting with me on the end of the bed as tears fall down my cheeks. His hand rubs my back as I lean into his chest, I try to stop myself since I hardly ever cry, but it just seems to keep going, the more I hold it in the harder it is to stop.

"Shh, it's okay, I've got you, you're okay now sweetheart." Eddie murmurs, I sense he feels...odd. Probably because I've never cried in front of him, even when I've wanted to.

Some time passes and I finally am reduced to sniffles, Eddie leans back and cups my cheek, his thumb brushes my red cheeks to wipe away a stray tear. "We can talk about it, or we can do something to take your mind off of things?"

I shrug, then take a deep breath. Eddie patiently waits as I compose myself before answering him. "I don't want to talk about it right now, I'm sorry."

Eddie shakes his head, leaning in to kiss the side of my head. "Don't say sorry, I get what you mean."

Eddie stands up and throws a few things off of his bed before pulling down the duvet and gesturing for me to climb in. I take my shoes off and do as instructed, snuggling into Eddie's pillows and scent. He tucks me in before putting on a movie we both like, he disappears for a minute and comes back with some chocolate and a warm drink.

"This'll make you feel a little better." He smiles, setting the drink on the side and opening the chocolate, he offers me one to which I take and mumble a thank you. Eddie pops a chocolate into his mouth and holds the packet to his heart funnily.

I smile at his gestures, then remember why I'm here. Eddie purses his lips. "Will you punch me if I join you? I swear no funny buisness, just hugs."

I scoot over as he climbs under the duvet, leaning his back against the headboard. I move closer to him and rest my head against him as he wraps an arm around me, holding me close as we watch the movie.

"Can you sleep with me tonight, if you don't mind, I hate the idea of you sleeping on the floor." I softly say halfway through the movie when my eyes feel heavy.

"If you want me to." Eddie nods, shuffling down. I turn onto my side and nuzzle into Eddie's side as my hand rests on his chest, we both eventually fall asleep that way, holding each other through the night.

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