Back From The Darkness

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I wait in the darkened hallways of the school, my eyes dart around in the dim light as my hand shakily holds the flashlight. School is creepy enough during the day, now it's just damn terrifying. 

"Chrissy and Fred both saw the school counsellor, maybe Vecna is targeting people who have bad lives?" Dustin suggests inside of the classroom. I smile back at them to show I'm listening, but then I see Max's eyes drawn to the floor. 

"I think I must've been cursed then..." She regretfully says, crossing her arms over her chest defensively as the others stand straighter. I frown, looking at her suspiciously. 

"Cursed? As in past tense? As in no longer feeling the impending doom?" I ask worriedly, of course I'm worried for her, but her tone suggests something bad is about to come out of her smart ass mouth. 

"I think he's...moved on. We need to go through the files and see who Vecna could be cursing next." Max says with more confidence as she grabs the box from Steve, she slams them on the desk as everyone digs in to look at the files, there aren't many. 

"Shit, does that mean someone else is gonna die?" I panic, leaving my spot at the door as I rush into the class and snatch a folder from Dustin's shaky hands, his face pales and his eyes widen. Everyone notices too, because Steve places a hand on Dustin's shoulder comfortingly as I look down at the file in my hands. 

Eddie Munson. 

"No, this can't be right!" I exclaim, my heart begins to beat faster as I back away, meeting the others' sympathetic eyes, "The nightmares.." I lead off, my eyes drift to the floor as I think back to the numerous conversations Eddie and I have had about his newest bad dreams as well as the migraines. 

"We need to go." Steve chirps up, rushing to put the folders back as we all hurriedly make our way out of the classroom and down the corridor. In hardly no time at all we arrive back at the boathouse, my nerves hanging by a thread as I jump out of Steve's car leaving the passenger door wide open. 

"EDDIE?!" I shout, my own voice echoes me back in the night. My breath comes heavy as I hear Dustin call Eddie's name calmer than I did, but the panic in his voice is still evident. I push open the door to the boathouse, the darkness envelopes me as I hurry to turn on the light, as soon as its visible I gasp. 

Eddie's slumped against the wall asleep, his face is contorted in anguish as his hands clench. "Please no, not again." He murmurs desperately in his sleep, his legs twitch as his body begins to shake. I kneel down next to him, my hand reaches up to cup his cheek but he moves his head away. 

"Eddie, it's me, you're okay now, come back from the darkness." I cry, Eddie gasps and suddenly jumps forward on top of me, his hands pin my arms to my sides as he straddles me, his eyes narrowed viciously. 

"It's me!" I say louder, his face falls as he realises, before he scoots back against the wall again. His hands come up to cover his face as he lets out one horrid sob, immediately I'm there with my arms around him as he buries into my neck. 

"S-something's wrong-" He whispers shakily, I know but don't say anything, worried that if I tell him he's cursed he'll panic too much. Instead I squeeze him tighter and rest my chin on his head as my legs curl around his body, caging him to me as he cries. 

"It's okay, nothing's gonna get you." I mumble, fighting back my own tears. 

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now