Twinkles and the Terrible

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I like to consider myself to be a nice person most of the time, but when it comes to a certain person my temper always gets the better of me. Especially when this said person intentionally winds me up.

His name: Eddie Munson. AKA my nemesis.

It's like he purposely finds ways to annoy me or get me into trouble. Thanks to my fantastic grades and reputation for being a good, nice girl, he's always the one that falls for his shit.

But it's times like today when I wish murder was legal. I was sitting at my desk, casually writing some notes when Eddie began flicking his pencil sharpenings onto my pristine paper, smudging my neat and orderly notes. I gave him a dirty look but all he did was smirk and continue to sharpen his damn pencil.

Also, after lunch we had gym. I'm not fond of gym, or physical exercise in general, but I'll partake since it's required. Eddie however, sat on the bleachers smoking whilst the teacher left us to our own devices, now yes I admit the teacher really did order a side of teen chaos as he went to do whatever, but surely we should continue our activities. Well, apparently not since all Eddie did was stare at me in my gym shorts, his eyes roaming my body as he winked at me. I did flip him my head.

I hate that man with a passion. Such passion that I sometimes get confused if I want to punch him or kiss him. Ugh.

I shake my head as I exit my daze of reminiscing today's events, I remember why I'm out here in the trailer park; I'm looking for my cat.

I wander about the bins, looking in the dark places my cat could be hiding, but to no avail, he's not to be found. With a sigh I turn to go back inside my home, but then I spot the trailer across from me. Eddie walks out of his door holding a bowl of something, narrowing my eyes I decide to follow.

I round the corner of his trailer to see him crouched down, stroking my cat as it eats from the bowl. "Who's a good Mr Frodo." Eddie coos, the tone makes me melt but I pull myself together and march towards him.

"So you're the reason Twinkles isn't home." I snap, the grey cat looks between Eddie and I, as if sensing impending doom he darts back towards home.

Eddie stands and smothers a laugh with a cough. "Twinkles? Jesus no wonder the poor dude comes over to my place most of the time."

I stare open mouthed, then shake my head. "You're unbelievable," I mumble. Eddie smiles and stalks towards me, I step back but end up against a lamppost.

"What are you-?" I begin, but Eddie cuts me off by reaching up and brushing a strand of hair away from my face.

"I love making you mad, your reactions are adorable." Eddie softly murmurs, looking at me with admiration.

"You're a terrible person." I spit out as he leans his face closer to mine. Eddie shrugs a shoulder up then presses his lips to mine softly. At first he's gentle, as if expecting me to hit him, but when I find myself kissing him back he deepens the kiss, his hand wraps around my waist as he presses his body to mine.

"I'm actually quite a nice guy, you just have terrible judgement." He smirks between the kiss, letting out a groan as I hook a leg around him, arching my back as I do so.

"You still piss me off, I have a right to judge you." I retort childishly as his mouth moves to my neck, I moan as he begins to kiss it, definitely hard enough to leave a mark.

The ounce of pain as he bites gives me the wake up call I need. Suddenly I gasp and push him away, staring up at him wide eyed. Eddie's face flashes a look of worry before his cool mask is slipped back on, he wipes my bottom lip with his thumb but I slap his hand away.

"What am I thinking?" I mumble more to myself, but Eddie replies "That I'm highly attractive and you want me to take my clothes off right here right now?"

I scoff and begin to back away, "No, I definitely don't want that." I say in a tone that doesn't even sound convincing to myself, let alone Eddie.

"Like I said, I'm a nice guy, so I'm gonna wait until you come to me next time we talk." Eddie says as he puts his hands in his pockets.

I frown as I back away, "Sure, and I'll visit the moon next time I want a sandwich." I say back. Wow, really mature Y/N.

Eddie grins as I turn and strut back to my trailer, grabbing Twinkles on the way.

Damn him, that was actually a decent kiss. And I wouldn't mind doing it again...

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