Loosening Up (SMUT)♡

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I sit up in Eddie's bed as he lies beside me staring at the ceiling of the trailer. I chew at my pen as my eyes scan my essay plan, searching for more things I can add to improve it. I shuffle up and feel Eddie's tee I'm wearing ride up to my bare thighs, usually I'd be embarrassed but I'm too stressed to care.

After a few more minutes of furious scribbling I run my hand through my hair in frustration, annoyed that my brain isn't braining. Eddie leans up on his elbow as he quirks an eyebrow, watching as I work myself up more and more over this stupid assignment.

"Take a break from it, it'll still be there tomorrow sweetheart." Eddie mumbles from beside me, pulling at the notebook and tugging the pen from my lips. I let him do so, crossing my arms as he gently plops them on the floor.

Eddie must sense my bad mood because his ringed hand rests on my bare leg, slowly inching its way up. Goosebumps raise on my skin as I immediately feel the atmosphere change between us.

"You're so tense," Eddie mumbles, leaning towards me as he presses a kiss to my thighs. His hair tickles my legs as I let out a gasp, my back arches instinctively as he smiles against my skin. "Let me help you loosen up." He adds, his hand toys with the sides of my underwear, his brown eyes look up at me pleasingly.

I nod, lifting my hips so he can pull them down. Eddie does slowly, taking his time and making me needier by the second. "Lay back sweetheart," he murmurs, grabbing both of my legs and pulling me down so I'm on my back, Eddie rests himself between my thighs, parting my legs with his elbow.

As soon as I'm exposed to him, Eddie smirks seeing how wet he's made me already. Eddie's mouth covers the inner part of my thigh, sucking hard enough to leave a mark. I let out a small moan, my head buries into the pillow as I grip the bedsheets, needing something, anything inside of me right now.

"Please," I practically beg Eddie as he leans back and slips his rings off one by one, he nods as his thumb brushes my folds, the wet noise that comes from me would usually embarrass me, but Eddie groans and slips two fingers inside of me.

"Shit," I breathe out, panting as his fingers pull almost all the way out before slipping back in again, "faster!" I moan.

Eddie obliges, not usually so submissive he pumps faster, adding another finger as he maneuvers his body over mine, his other hand grabs my chin and forces me to look into his eyes as he finger fucks me, I blush at the intensity if it all mixed with the sounds coming from Eddie's fingers moving.

I can feel myself coming undone slowly, so I arch my hips up where Eddie can reach the right spot that makes me crumble. Already the pressure builds and builds until I can't take it anymore.

"Eddie, I'm gonna-" I gasp but he shuts me up with a kiss, his tongue consumes me as I finally reach my release, coming all over his fingers.

"Your body feels less tense than before," Eddie softly chuckles between my lips as I try to catch my breath, I have no words, so Eddie pecks my cheek a few times before pulling his fingers out of me.

My limbs feel like jelly now, and I can honestly say that I'm no longer stressed or anxious about my essay, if anything I actually feel ready for bed now. Eddie begins to move away but I sit up, reaching for him to return the favour, however he shakes his head as he stands to go wash his hands. "It's alright, we can finish this later after you've had some sleep." Eddie murmurs, looking at me lovingly.

A few seconds later he comes back with a warm cloth to clear me up, kissing my forehead as he passes it to me. I clean up and put my underwear back on, feeling too exposed even though Eddie's literally just been between my legs.

I let out a yawn as Eddie undresses to his boxers, then he slips back in bed and wraps his arms around me, pulling me to his chest as I hook my leg over his. After only a few minutes I fall asleep to the sound of Eddie's heartbeat.

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