The Princess, The King and The Queen

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Eddie and I sit on the bench outside of Hawkins High, afternoon sun shines down as Eddie watches me eat his pretzels. "We've been...talking for a while now, right?" Eddie begins sounding serious. I look up at him with a frown, then nod.

"Before we take things any further, there's something you should know," he adds, I open my mouth to speak but Eddie cuts me off, "but I'd rather show you than tell you, at least that way you can make a set choice."

I begin to get worried, but I trust Eddie enough. "Okay, wait for me after school and you can show me whatever it is." I smile, Eddie's shoulders relax a bit just as the bell rings in the distance. We both get up and head back to school.

At the end of a fairly good school day, Eddie finally tells me that we're heading to his trailer. I panic a bit because I've never been, but I'm determined to do this one thing for Eddie, I like him too much to give up now. The drive to his trailer is pretty quiet, I gaze out of the window most of the time as Eddie's hand rests on my leg, he often looks to me as of I'll suddenly change my mind.

"So here's my castle," Eddie begins as we reach his trailer, when we reach the front door Eddie suddenly turns to me looking anxious. "I just want to say, I really like you, and I really hope this doesn't change things between us because I haven't felt this way about anyone for a long time."

Before I can answer, he opens to door to reveal his living room, his uncle Wayne sits on the couch with a little girl near his feet, she looks up from her drawing and a massive grin splits her face. Eddie never told me he had a sister?

"Y/N, meet my little princess." He smiles, sounding a mix of excited and nervous. I close the door behind me as the cogs in my mind try to work things out, but it finally hits me when the little girl rushes to Eddie shouting "Daddy!"

My mouth parts from shock, okay I wasn't expecting this. At all. But my heart warms as I watch as Eddie squats down, his arms open as the girl tackles him into a hug. Eddie laughs and squeezes her before picking her up, turning to me.

"Princess (Insert Name) meet Y/N," Eddie murmurs as the girl observes me, she waves a small hand out and I smile, waving back and saying "Hello beautiful." She blushes and buries her face into Eddie's chest as he walks to the kitchen.

"It's nice to meet the reason Eddie's been so lively lately, I haven't seen him this happy in a while." His uncle Wayne says to me with a half smile.

"I didn't realise I had such an effect on him," I lightly laugh as Wayne nods. He tells us he has to head to work before leaving not five minutes later.

I sit on the couch as Eddie brings me a can of soda, then takes a seat next to me. The little girl reclaims her spot on the floor, picking up her crayons and continuing her masterpiece. She seems immersed into it, so I turn to Eddie and quietly mumble.

"This definitely wasn't what I was expecting,"

Eddie's eyebrows knit together as he scratches his chin. "I'm sorry it's such a shock, I should've just told you."

I place my hand over Eddie's, scooting closer to him. "It's okay, you did what you thought was best. Where's her mom?"

Eddie fakes a laugh, "I've got no idea, as soon as princess turned 1 her mom left us for a new dude, the only thing she gave my daughter was a note explaining that she needed a new beginning and couldn't be a mom yet."

I frown, already protective of the child. "I'm glad she's got you, you seem like a great dad."

Eddie smiles and links our fingers together, he sighs before asking "Does that mean you'll stick around and join the circus?"

I nod immediately with a grin, it's a lot to take on but I'm pretty sure I love Eddie, and I'm willing to embrace everything that comes with him.

The little girl passes me a picture she drew, "Here's your present."

I smile and thank her as she climbs between me and Eddie, I stroke her hair as she cuddles between us and she smiles up at me. "I think you're going to do great." Eddie murmurs, looking between us lovingly.

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