Hospital Hello's

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I sit on the edge of the hospital bed, watching the new guy, Eddie Munson, my gaze locked onto his face as he lies unconscious still. It's been a couple of weeks since he turned up and I still don't know why I keep coming to see him, I guess it's sympathy. Or maybe I think he's cute, but that's weird and I'd never admit it to anyone. 

"He's going to wake up soon, the meds are already wearing off." Anita, the only nice nurse around here, says to me as she slips through the door. I briefly look at her before looking back at Eddie, licking my lips. I've become so used to just checking in on him secretly that the idea of actually speaking to him terrifies me. 

I nod and give her a small smile before standing up and pulling another small pack of biscuits from my pocket, adding it to the growing collection on Eddie's bedside. It seems like hardly anyone has come to see him or gifted him anything, so on the third day I fixed that, I'm sure when he wakes up he'll appreciate the stale sweet snack...maybe, I mean he might even hate biscuits, so I guess we'll see. 

I wave to Anita before heading back to my own room, my head begins to pound from the exertion. Hawkins went all 'end of the world' a month ago and loads of buildings were destroyed in the process, nobody knows why and all I can remember is one minute I was reading and the next the walls were caving in, I'm lucky I survived, but I can't say the same about my friend. 

With a final huff I jump back onto my bed just as one of the grumpy doctors comes in to check my vitals for the 27th day in a row...

                                            -----------------The Next Day------------------ 

At 8AM sharp, I wake up and stretch before getting dressed and downing my horrible imitation of pancakes, Anita comes in with a smile, her sunshine personality always seems to brighten my morning, I think she's one of my biggest inspirations for seeing Eddie, because she was there for me when I first came in, so now it's my job to return the favour to someone else. 

"He's awake," Anita sing songs, waggling her eyebrows at me. My heart skips a beat and sweat coats my palms, "He woke up last night, but I'd be careful with him, he's spooked and keeps rambling about some bats or something, I think his memory is foggy." 

I nod, "Is it weird that I'm nervous? Should I just leave him alone?" 

Anita shrugs as she makes the bed, her fingers linger on my blankets. "I think you should try to talk to him, you never know when someone needs a friend or someone to listen." 

With that, I slip on my fuzzy slippers and make my way down the corridor to Eddie's room. Outside I take a deep breath before raising my hand and knocking. A deep voice mumbles "Come in" so I do, slowly opening the door to reveal wide brown eyes staring at me. My breath catches as Eddie's eyebrows knit together in confusion. 

"You're pretty young to be a doctor, aren't you?" 

"I-I'm not a doctor, I live just down the hall." I joke, pointing my thumb towards the door, Eddie stares at me blankly for a minute, the silence creates a thick and awkward atmosphere, until one side of his mouth quirks up. 

"You're the biscuit girl? Anita warned me about you." Eddie murmurs as he tries to sit up with a grunt. I rush over to him and hold out a hand as my arm reaches around the middle of his back, supporting him to get up. 

"Thanks," He whispers, avoiding my eyes. I nod and perch on the edge of the bed, my eyes narrow playfully as I reply "What do you mean she warned you? Am I that annoying?"

Eddie shakes his head and huffs a laugh, "No, she just mentioned that you're a natural at caring for others, even suggested that you'd make a great nurse." 

"I'd probably end up accidentally killing someone." I mumble, earning a smirk from Eddie. He glances at the pile of biscuits then back at me, "Or over feeding them, I'm glad I'll never starve thanks to your generosity."

I shrug a shoulder and smile, "It's nothing, coconut doesn't exactly get me going anyway, chocolate however..." I lead off as Eddie nods. 

The door to the room opens and Anita comes in, grinning at both of us, "I'm glad to see you've both met and are getting along, but I've got to take some bloods from Eddie now so you'll have to leave for a bit." 

I sigh but stand up, before I can turn around Eddie grabs my hand, his eyes look up at me pleadingly "Will you come back?"

I nod a few times, "Faster than a racehorse." I wink as they both laugh at me

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