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AN: Has anyone listened to Melanie Martinez's new album yet? It's so good!
This imagine is inspired by my favourite song from it, Void.

"I can distract the bats and buy you guys some time. If all our shit is in the Upside Down or whatever, then my guitar and amp will be there." Eddie suggests as we sit in the RV.

My eyes shoot to Eddie's, immediately panicking as I think about how dangerous it's going to be for us, because there's no way in hell I'm leaving Eddie's side.

Everyone nods and continues planning, but my heart is racing a million miles an hour and I'm terrified. I stand up and grab Eddie's hand, dragging him outside into the field as everyone gives us an odd look but continues.

As soon as Eddie closes the door I spin around and storm towards him. "What the hell was that?" I shout, throwing my hands up as I pace.

Eddie looks at me confused, "What?"

I stop and narrow my eyes, "A distraction? Eddie, we barely made it out alive last time, I mean you was scared shitless."

Eddie opens his mouth to say something, but he sighs and shakes his head. "I don't want to be scared anymore."

"So what, you're mister brave and fearless now?" I retort sarcastically as I tilt my head. Eddie runs a hand through his hair stressfully, then finally snaps.

"Yeah!" He shouts, "Someone needs to do it, and I'm the only one who can do something to distract them. I'm sick of feeling guilty, I can't bear my sorrow for Chrissy and what happened to her-" His voice breaks.

I watch as he slumps against the side of the RV, looking up at the blue sky and clouds floating past. He leans his arms on his knees and thumps his head agitated.

I crouch down gently in front of him, taking his ringed hands in my own as I carefully stroke the tops of them with my thumbs. "It wasn't your fault what happened to her," I softly murmur, "you were terrified and couldn't have done anything even if you wanted to-"

"I hate who I was before." Eddie snaps again, shaking his head as I watch his face. I can tell he's conflicted with so many emotions, so I wait until he speaks again.

"I just wanted to protect everyone I care about, if anything happed to you because I got scared...I couldn't live with myself." He whispers.

I nod and climb between his legs as his arms wrap around me, his chin rests on top of my head as he holds me close to him, his breathing becomes less heavy and I feel his shoulders slump. "I've always loved you, and I still do. I just don't want you to fill this void you have by sacrificing yourself for everyone else.  We're all okay, and yeah we might need your help, but don't think that by throwing away your life you'll be saving mine. If you die, I die."

Eddie lets out a shaky breath, "Okay," he mumbles, "I'm just tired of everyone else being more capable and tougher than me."

I look at at him with a frown, then grab his chin and force him to look at me. "Eddie Munson, don't think for one second that you're less capable then everyone else in there. We all have different strengths as well as weaknesses, and that's why we're going to work together to kill Vecna."

Eddie's lips tilt into a small smile as he presses a kiss to my lips, "You're everything to me, thank you."

I give him a smile in return, standing up and holding a hand out for him to take. "Come on Munson, we have a quest to complete."

Eddie smirks and takes my hand, keeping hold of it as we head back to the RV and listen to the rest of the plan together.

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