Nothing Will Ruin This

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I know from the exact knock on the front door that Eddie's here, we've been friends for about 3 or 4 years now and even though I've told him to just walk in since my parents go out almost every weekend, he still knocks.

"Come in Edward!" I laugh, using his full name since he hates it. Eddie comes in with a frown and his bag slung over his shoulder, closing the door behind him as he sets it down and rummages around, then throws me a pack of my favourite candy.

I catch it as I'm walking to him, wrapping my arms around him as he hugs me back. Since I graduated we don't see each other as much as we used to, especially because Eddie's still in school. Eddie hugs me back and picks me up off of my feet, my legs dangle as he waddles to the kitchen, I grip his arms laughing until he sets me down again.

"So, what kind of pizza are we having tonight?" He asks as I reach into the freezer. It's like a routine at this point, at least once a month Eddie and I have movie nights or sleepovers like we used to when we were young teens, our friendship blossomed quickly and now we're practically best friends, except my feelings aren't friendly, they're more romantic, but I've never confessed.

"Chesse and pepperoni?" I ask, grabbing the large pizza already knowing Eddie will nod. He does.

I put it into the oven as Eddie goes upstairs to my room, unpacking his things and setting up for our sleepover as I cook. Twenty minutes later I'm carrying the pizza to my room with a bottle of cola tucked under my arm.

I smile at the familiar environment, my duvet and blankets are scattered across the floor like a makeshift bed, along with a few of Eddie's pillows and blankets too. The perfect combination.

Eddie puts a book back on my shelf and sits down, I notice he's also unpacked a few more snacks for us to go with the pizza. I put on a movie we regularly watch and we begin eating and talking about our lives recently, Eddie tells me about school and his Hellfire Club, I tell him about my job and things I've been doing.

Soon after the pizzas all gone and the snacks have been demolished, Eddie leans back on his elbows and burps as I stand and head to the bathroom. "I'm putting on a face mask for a change." I call out.

Seconds later Eddie stands behind me, his brows quirked up as I tear open a packet and begin putting the mask on my skin. Eddie leans in and sniffs my cheek as I laugh.

"Smells like fruit." He mumbles, still looking confused. I reach out and put a bit on his forehead, he backs away as if I've cursed him, but when nothing happens he shrugs and dips his finger into the pocket, smearing it on his own face. I smirk as we both stand side by side, putting face masks on then going back into room.

"We don't go to sleep with this stuff on, right?" Eddie asks. I shake my head ruefully and explain how it works as I take the rubbish down, Eddie always at my heels.

Soon after I go back to the bathroom and fill up the sink with warm water, however before I can begin to rinse my face, Eddie grabs a cloth and dips it into the water then gently grabs my chin. My breath catches as he begins wiping the mask off, his tongue peeks out of his lips as he concentrates.

"I can do it." I breathlessly say, Eddie doesn't notice the effect he has on me, and just shrugs.

"So can I, so stop moving." I roll my eyes and stay still as he gently washes it all off, then taps the tip of my nose with a single ringed finger after. He washes hiw own face as I head to my room to recover, forcing myself to calm my racing heart down. It would have been so easy to kiss him right there and then.

When Eddie comes back I'm already putting on a second movie and snuggling into the blankets, Eddie grabs a book from his bag and lies next to me, our hips practically touching from the lack of space. The movie is boring and after a few minutes I ask Eddie to read to me. He nods and turns back a page, clearing his throat as he begins.

I grab the candy he gave me earlier and begin eating some, but all of a sudden Eddie's head comes down and his teeth graze my fingers as he eats the one I was holding. A mix of shock and lust clouds my mind as he grins mischievously and goes back to reading.

I don't know how much longer I can keep up the act of not being madly in love with this man.

"Is thus weird?" I ask suddenly. Eddie looks at me over the book as if asking for me to explain further. "I mean, we're almost adults, is this sleepover thing weird?"

Eddie frowns then shakes his head. "People do it all the time." He shrugs. Yeah, I think to myself, like couples.

I sigh and Eddie puts his book down as if sensing my unease. He leans closer to me, his face inches away from my own as his eyes stare into mine. "What's going on with you?" He deeply asks.

I can't back out now, I've got to say something. "If I tell you it might ruin things between us." I whisper.

Eddie's brows knit together but he waves it off. "Nothing will ruin this between us sweetheart."

I take a deep breath and nod, avoiding his eyes I finally confess. "I think I'm in love with you, I think I have been for a while."

Eddie's quiet for a second and I glance at him through the corner of my eye, then he suddenly grins. Great, he's mocking me.

I bury myself under the blankets, feeling stupid and embarrassed, but Eddie peels them away and grabs my hand. "It's been too damn long, why'd you make me wait so long?" He asks.

I open my mouth but then Eddie's lips meet mine shutting me up. I gasp and grab hold of his tee, bringing him closer to me as I lie on my back. Eddie groans as he kisses me, pulling away with his arm wrapped around me. I lie on his chest as he gazes up at me with love.

"I love you too." He murmurs, brushing my hair away from my face before leaning up and kissing me again and again until we fall asleep snuggled together.

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