Dinner Defending

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"Please just give him a chance." I mumble to my dad who stands in the kitchen with his arms crossed, my mom looks over at us over the stove, as usual she's staying out of it.

"I just think you could have picked someone better, not some-" my dad begins, but is interuped when the doorbell rings.

I rush to the door, swinging it open to reveal my boyfriend Eddie standing there with a bunch of red roses. He smiles and kisses my cheek, "Hey, I got these for you." He murmurs, passing me the flowers.

I accept them and let him in, watching as his eyes roam around the house, eagerly drinking in the numerous family photos. My mom strolls out of the kitchen with a dazzling smile, her arms are open as she embraces Eddie.

"You must be Eddie, it's so nice to finally put a face to my daughters obsession." She laughs, playfully hitting his shoulder. Eddie smiles awkwardly at me before commenting something nice back, but then my dad walks out of the kitchen with a glass of something in hand, his eyes narrow at Eddie disapprovingly.

"And that's all it is, an obsession. Like all her previous fixations, I'm sure she'll lose interest." My dad pointedly says, swigging the drink.

My eyes widen as my jaw drops. My dad has never been this blunt, and Eddie looks the same way, except he covers his surprise with a smile and replies calmly "I guess you're not invited to the wedding."

My mom chokes on a laugh as I blush deeply, the atmosphere is tense so I break it up by stepping in the middle, pushing Eddie back. "I think dinner is done." I smile, staring into my dad's eyes until he backs down and nods, heading into the dining room.

Eddie and I follow as my mom goes to get the food, my dad takes the head of the table as Eddie and I sit the other side, I grab his hand from under the table, giving it a squeeze to reassure him.

Eddie looks at me understandingly, I'm glad I warned him about all this, but he insisted that he'd have to meet my parents one day.

My mom breaks the silence by placing the food down, then takes her seat next to dad. We begin to eat as Eddie and my mom talk about random things, mostly just Eddie's hobbies and his band.

"Seems like you should get a real job." My dad mutters near the end of dinner. I throw him a look but he ignores me.

"Yeah, I mean the band gets paid for our gigs so at least I'm making money, right?" Eddie says politely, keeping his cool.

My dad scoffs, "Boy you call that making money, I call it wasting time and avoiding real life, my daughter wants someone who can support her financially and make her happy, not some outcast who needs her more than she needs you."

The room goes silent, and Eddie puts down his fork. He takes the breath and I brace myself for the worst.

"You're right, she needs someone who's supportive of her choices and can make her happy, and you know what? As much as you might hate it, I am that person. I've never crisitsed her or made her feel like she isn't doing enough, I'm always telling her how much I love her, she's probably sick of hearing it, and I'll always be by her side cheering her on, because apparently you can't handle the fact that your little girl is an independent woman."

Tears glisten in my eyes as my mom takes a shaky breath. My dad just stares until his lips quirk up into a slight smile. "You've got some balls on you kid, but if you hurt her I'll kil-"

"I'll bring you the gun." Eddie sharply says, as if hurting me would never happen, and knowing Eddie I can imagine he'd never do that.

The rest of dinner and dessert go smoother, though still tense as hell, my dad actually tries to make conversation with Eddie. Eddie's honest about most things, his hand rests on my lap the whole time, his thumb brushes my thigh when he's nervous.

"One more thing," my dad says when I take a sip of my drink, "You better not get her pregnant yet."

I spit out my drink as my mom makes a prayer to God, Eddie laughs it off as he looks at me lovingly.

"No immediate plans sir." Eddie chuckles before I can't take anymore and stand up, grabbing Eddie's hand.

"We're going outside." I grumble, pulling Eddie into the garden so we can have some peace.

"You okay?" I ask once we're further away from the house. We sit on the grass under the stars, Eddie's arm wraps around my shoulders.

"Yeah, now I know how Hellfire Club feels about my brutal campaigns, that was harsh." He grins, kissing the side of my head.

I huff a laugh, "I'm sorry about that, but hey, I think you finally got the sign of approval."

"According to your dad it's more like the threat of approval, but yeah." Eddie teases, reaching up and cupping my cheek before pressing a kiss to my lips.

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