Cherish Each Other PT 1

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It's been twenty two days since I last talked to anyone, in fact it's been twenty two days since anyone knew I was alive. The last thing I remember is being in the Upside Down, helping Eddie draw the demobats away to buy the others more time. We both got attacked but the bats seemed more inclined to snack on me, I remember hearing Eddie's screams as he held my dying body, his sobs as the others pulled him back, there was nothing anyone could do.

I don't remember actually dying, it was like falling asleep...then I woke up. I was in the Creel house, and Hawkins was split at the seams, Vecna had won for now, but he was weak, I could feel it.

I panicked and ran, but then I heard his voice in my head, telling me he'd given me another chance to survive, to see Eddie again, but he also said that my life wasn't my own, that I owed him and if I tried to disobey he'd take back what he'd given me.

I had no choice but to lie low, living in the remnants of the Creel house like a scavenger, stealing and hiding to keep fed and warm. I went to see my old friends without them knowing, I felt stronger and more awake, everything brighter and louder, I could only watch from the outside as they mourned my death and attempted to move on.

Tonight I'm finally taking the big risk, currently sat on the roof of a trailer offered to the Munson's after the ordeal the town put them through, Eddie's name was cleared and Wayne finally saw his nephew again, I read it in the Hawkins Post.

A bat flies overhead as owls hoot, the trailer park has always been a favourite place to hang out because of the nature it brings. My ears pick up on one person below me, I can hear him rummaging around his room, the familiar scuff of shoes, the way he taps his rings against every surface. Eddie.

With a deep breath I jump off of the roof and land on my feet, I barely make a sound as I crouch down and head to Eddie's window. I poke my head up to see Eddie laying on his bed, his hands behind his head as he stares at the ceiling, a picture frame is on his chest displaying a photo we took at the mall together, a week after our first date.

I need to lure him out, so I grab a pebble and throw it at the window gently, it makes enough noise for Eddie to sit up cautiously, he narrows his eyes at me, and I pause still for a second. I then realise he can't see me, another pro of Vecna's gifts, I can see in the dark.

Just as Eddie's about to lie down again, I throw another stone. This time Eddie frowns and rushes to the window and calls out "Who's there?"

My heart pounds as I step closer to him, as soon as I get close enough to the trailer his eyes widen, I'm inches away from his window, the dim trailer light us brighter than I'd like but I refuse to back down.

"Y/N?" Eddie's voice cracks, I nod as tears well in his eyes. He opens the window and jumps down, I back away but he grabs hold of me and crushes me to his body, his whole body shakes as he cries. "You're fucking alive, I'm so pissed at you but fuck, I love you."

A small smile tilts my lips as I hug him back, "I'm sorry, I wanted to come see you, I've been...occupied."

Eddie pushes back, his hands still on my shoulders as he gives me an odd look. "Occupied? Have you been to the hospital, you look healthy, where's the bites? The scars? Surely you've got bruises?"

I avoid his eyes and step back letting his hands fall. "Something is different, I woke up at the Creel house and...Well I'm kind of Vecna's assistant." I say with jazz hands.

Eddie stares at me before his brown eyes widen in shock, I can see his thoughts with the way his lips purse together and move silently. "You're what, some kind of vampire zombie, like Kas?" He asks referring to DnD.

I lift a shoulder, "Kind of, I'm not the same as before, I've got weird ass abilities and I hear his voice in my head, if I don't do what he says he'll kill me."

Eddie's face drops and he leans down, his hands cup my neck. "I won't let that happen, not when I've just got you back."

I smile, leaning on my toes I press a kiss to his lips, closing my eyes to savour the moment. Eddie trembles before deeping the kiss, he groans as I tilt my head, my hands grip his tee desperately and I push him back against the trailer, however it's harsh and Eddie grunts in pain.

I immediately pull away, standing a few meters back. "I-I'm sorry, I haven't got used to...I should go."

Eddie grabs my hand as I turn, his face full of concern. "You can stay with me," I hesitate so he pleads "Please, please stay with me."

I nod as Eddie grabs my hand and links our fingers together, he leads me to the front door and lets me in.

"See how you cherish each other? Disobey me and I'll make sure he suffers more pain than you could ever imagine. You have one night with him before our work truly begins." Vecna says in my head.

I freeze as Eddie looks at me, "Is everything okay?"

I nod reluctantly, walking into Eddie's open arms before we flop on his bed...

I've got to help Vecna, but what Eddie said earlier is playing on my mind. If I'm like Kas, then maybe it's up to me to put an end to Vecna.

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